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A plush blue carpet and neutral walls add a sense of calm to the master bedroom.


藍色地墊和中色牆為主­人房打造宜人平靜氣息。 you sit down to enjoy a cocktail at rooftop bar Cé La Vi or when you’re scoping out gorgeous homes along the Côte d’Azur.) "The client of this particular project has known us for more than a decade," explain the design duo. "We always found that we shared a similar vision in design and in aesthetics. We both believed that we would be proud of the outcome of the project, and that the design process would be a pleasant journey."

Though the two have worked on plenty of ventures where the focus is not on an individual, a couple, or a family, Ed and Terence find that when it comes to residentia­l projects, a personal touch is always key. "The design direction should always begin with the owner’s personalit­y, their habits and lifestyle," they explain. The desire to retreat and enjoy a leisurely pace of life undoubtedl­y lies at the heart of this villa in the sky. //

AB Concept自成立­以來跟多位客人合作無­間,對象多數為環球豪華酒­店、物業發展商和餐廳。(只要你到Rosewo­od Hotels & Resorts擁有的­業物度假、或到天台酒吧Cé La Vi享用雞尾酒,又或在Côte d’Azur一帶欣賞家居,即能感受他們的創作魅­力。)「[此項目的]客人認識我們十多年了。」設計組合分享道:「我們常發現自己對設計­和美學也有相類看法。大家也深信自己會對項­目的成果深感滿意,設計過程也當然是賞心­樂事。」


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