Home Journal


Blue Carreon’s alluring assemblage of artworks, appointmen­ts and objects breathes life into his abode


設計師Blue Carreon的藝術­品、傢具與精品為他的宏偉­家園傾注生命力

Our homes are more than mere places to live – they also afford us space in which to express our individual­ity. For some people, that means paring down, stripping back and living with the bare essentials, while others view their abode as a blank canvas onto which they can imprint their personalit­y with works of art, exceptiona­l appointmen­ts and objects of great, intimate value. If this stylish Manila residence is anything to go by, designer and former fashion journalist Blue Carreon certainly falls into the latter camp.

However, it wasn’t always the striking space it is today. When Blue and his partner, Bruce Bromberg, first acquired the property two years ago and got ready to move in with their Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Brighton, they faced a soulless white box that’s typical of modern condominiu­ms. But that didn’t stop the designer from seeing its potential. "I fell in love with the foyer," says Blue. "It really sold me on the place. I’ve always wanted to have a scenic mural and never had the right room for it. When I saw the foyer, I knew that it would be the right place. I wanted scenes of India, with temples and palm trees and elephants, all rendered in monochroma­tic tones so it doesn’t overwhelm."

Blue did just that, enlisting the talents of a local artist to create an evocative compositio­n in a grisaille finish before setting to work himself on the reception area and the rest of the apartment. First, he added millwork, mirrored walls and

家不但是生活的地方,更加是表現自我個性的­方式。對部分人來說,低調沉實、只與必需品共存即可,但有些人喜愛把家看成­空白背景,好讓能加上藝術品、出色傢具和精緻作品,增添親暱價值。以此時尚馬尼拉住宅為­例,設計師兼前時裝記者B­lue Carreon絕屬後­者。

然而,空間絕非一直也如今天­面貌。Blue、伴侶Bruce Bromberg和查­理斯王騎士犬Brig­hton兩年前進駐此­物業時,它只是個沒有靈魂的現­代盒狀公寓,但仍無阻這位設計師看­出空間潛質的目光。Blue表示:「我極愛門廳。它完完全全把我征服了。我一直也想擁有一堵風­景秀麗的牆飾,但苦無合適空間。看到陽台時,就知道已找對了地方。我想打造出建有廟宇的­印度風

mouldings to endow the space with a sense of history and character, and then came the fun part – furnishing it.

"I always work with what I love," explains Blue. "Fortunatel­y for me, I collect a lot of things, which helped when doing the place. I have a ton of art, vintage furniture and objects. I also have my own home line, so I drew from the furniture pieces and accessorie­s I’ve created. I’m also fortunate to have access to great craftsmen and artisans who were able to execute the special pieces I had in mind."

Blue’s accumulate­d inventory greets you as soon as you enter the antechambe­r, where a vintage mirror and console are proudly on display, flanked by an assemblage of ceramics compiled over the years. This area also establishe­s the colour palette of the abode, introducin­g the elegant greys and royal blues that flow throughout the space, from the elegant, light-filled living and dining room to the moody glamour of the bedroom.

Form, as well as function, informs each area, often with an item of furniture playing a central role in leading the design direction. For the living space, it was an etching by US artist Richard Serra that defined the aesthetic, with the art deco-inspired sofa being transforme­d from





外觀與功能注入每個角­落,各以焦點作統領設計。客廳就放有美國藝術家­Richard Serra的蝕刻畫,還有從啡改造成黑的裝­飾藝術風沙發。

brown to black to complement it. In the bedroom, the brass sconces directed the mood. "I bought them not knowing where to use them because we didn’t have the apartment at that time," recalls Blue. "When I started working on the apartment, I decided to use them as bedside lights instead of table lamps. And to make the impact more dramatic, I went with a graphite wall colour and edged the moulding with gold."

Indeed, the entire abode is testament to Blue’s taste and his eye as an aesthete. However, a collector’s possession­s afford more than just visual allure; they appeal to memories, too, imbibing otherwise inanimate objects with character and life. Nowhere is this more evident than in the salon-style library, where an anthology of artworks, books and objects that tell stories of Blue’s experience­s and breathe life into the spectacula­r space. //



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 ??  ?? Specially commission­ed pieces, items from Blue Carreon Home and a commanding etching by American artist Richard Serra mingle to create an effortless­ly refined aesthetic.極致優雅特製作品、來自Blue Carreon Home的精品和美國­藝術家Richard Serra的蝕刻作成­就超然精緻的美學。
Specially commission­ed pieces, items from Blue Carreon Home and a commanding etching by American artist Richard Serra mingle to create an effortless­ly refined aesthetic.極致優雅特製作品、來自Blue Carreon Home的精品和美國­藝術家Richard Serra的蝕刻作成­就超然精緻的美學。
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