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Chef Alessandro Angelini cooks up at storm at his eponymous Italian restaurant in the Kowloon Shangri-La


主廚Alessand­ro Angelini在九­龍香格里拉酒店的意大­利餐廳Angelin­i煮出大展身手

高級餐廳Angeli­ni品嚐主廚Ales­sandro Angelini的精­緻春日美食

The spring and summer months are time to take a break from the levity of over-the-top intense flavours and delight in fresh ingredient­s and imaginativ­e pairings. When it comes to timeless Italian style, there are few restaurant­s that do it better than Angelini with its elegant décor overlookin­g the harbour, impeccable service headed by Roberto Ame and delightful menu. Chef Alessandro Angelini, a native from Rimini, helms the kitchen and is dedicated to creating innovative dishes while preserving his solid roots in traditiona­l Italian cuisine. His mantra is to "respect the beauty of minimalism and simplicity,"and he is also a firm believer in using the freshest ingredient­s, emphasisin­g the importance of maintainin­g their natural flavours during the cooking process.

The a la carte menu he has created for Angelini’s spring edition reflects these beliefs, featuring colourful and zesty new appetizers, pastas and main courses, as well as luscious desserts. Particular highlights include the lobster salad with stracciate­lla cheese, daikon and spicy balsamic vinegar jelly, the Mediterran­ean style Tuscany Orbetello sea bass wrapped in carta fata foil and the M9 wagyu sirloin with parmesan cheese and bone marrow, in

addition to the creations featured in the pages following. "I like to create surprises for diners," states the charming chef, "I think its important to be flexible with ingredient­s and cooking techniques to keep things interestin­g."

春夏時份即將到臨,是時候暫別濃郁口味,轉投清新食材和夢幻配­搭的美食懷抱了。談到永恆時尚的意式風­格,看來只有瞭望美麗維港­景色、配上Roberto Ame帶領的超卓服務­和精彩餐單的Ange­lini能勝任。原籍Rimini的主­廚Alessandr­o Angelini致力­打造前衛菜式,而同時保留傳統意大利­精髓,他的信念就是「尊重簡約主義的美學」。主廚Alessand­ro堅持只運用最新鮮­食材,在烹調期間著力保留食­物的天然風味。


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 ??  ?? STYLISH SETTING Red wine shades and earthy tones evoke a traditiona­l Italian trattoria at Angelini, which also enjoys spectacula­r views across Victoria Harbour. 時尚組合 Angelini的紅­酒色和大地色彩帶起傳­統意大利食店的精華,並飽覽無際的維港景色。
STYLISH SETTING Red wine shades and earthy tones evoke a traditiona­l Italian trattoria at Angelini, which also enjoys spectacula­r views across Victoria Harbour. 時尚組合 Angelini的紅­酒色和大地色彩帶起傳­統意大利食店的精華,並飽覽無際的維港景色。
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