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When one thinks of weaving, traditiona­l wicker furniture comes to mind – but Milan showed us otherwise. There’s the design-centric approach to rattan pioneered by Japanese brand Yamakawa Rattan, as well as the boundary-pushing handwoven creations of Dedon. Most exciting, however, is the developmen­t of digital knit led by Benjamin Hubert of Layer, who came up with an update to his Cradle chair for Moroso.織造前路談到織造技術,傳統藤料傢具或許最先­聲奪人——但米蘭卻讓我們看到精­彩新一面。除了以設計為重點的藤­料先驅日本品牌Yam­akawa Rattan外,還有推進手織創作的D­edon。然而,最教人振奮的還是要數­Layer的Benj­amin Hubert統領的數­碼織造發展,並為自己為Moros­o設計的Cradle­椅換上新貌。

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 ??  ?? Muuto's Oslo sofa Six Shades of Palmer sofa by Fendi Casa Stay daybed from Sé
Muuto's Oslo sofa Six Shades of Palmer sofa by Fendi Casa Stay daybed from Sé

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