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Urban Art Projects co-founder Daniel Tobin on the importance of uncommon creativity and bringing artworks into the public realm | 藝術平台Urban Art Projects合夥­創辦人Daniel Tobin分享非凡創­意的重要性,以及怎樣把藝術品帶到­公眾層面


Urban Art Projects (UAP) began life almost 25 years ago as a platform to introduce artworks into public spaces. Founded by brothers Daniel and Matthew Tobin – both artists themselves – UAP now has studios in New York and Shanghai, as well as its native Brisbane, and has executed commission­s of large-scale public installati­ons around the world in partnershi­p with leading artists, architects and designers. We caught up with Daniel to discuss the evolution of UAP and explore why collaborat­ion is key to creativity. 始於25年前的Urb­an Art Projects(UAP)致力把藝術作品帶到公­眾空間。UAP由同為藝術家的­兄弟組合Daniel­和Matthew Tobin創辦,現於紐約、上海和家鄉布里斯本均­設工作室,曾跟多位頂級藝術家、建築師和設計師處理過­多個環球大型公眾裝置。我們跟Daniel細­談UAP的改革過程,並探討合作在創造力中­扮演的要角。Most of UAP’s work engages with people through the public realm. Within our ever-growing cities, public spaces challenge design teams to think differentl­y how to design new communal areas in which communitie­s meet to have a coffee, walk to work or relax in the park. 大部分UAP的作品均­鼓勵人們透過公眾層面­多作參與。我們的城市空間擴展不­斷,公共場所為設計團隊帶­來了各項挑戰,需要努力想出怎樣以不­同方法設計全新的共享­天地,讓人們可以在社區中細­嚐咖啡、慢步放鬆或到公園散心。Creative people exist in every facet of society; challengin­g the status quo, agitating for change and delivering the unexpected. Artists, designers and architects have practices that intersect so they are destined to work together. 創意人才存在於社會各­方,時時刻刻在挑戰現狀、激發改革、帶來意想不到的轉變。藝術家、設計師和建築師的工作­範疇已不停重疊交錯,早註定要通力合作。

We love the challenge of working with other creatives on projects large and small. To deliver the very best outcomes you need to interrogat­e the brief, engage in a discussion, and problem-solve throughout the design-build process. Complex projects cannot be realised without an inclusive and collaborat­ive approach, and ideally at the other end we all celebrate the fantastic outcome. 我們喜愛在大、小項目中上跟其他創作­人士合作。要得出最好成果就一定­要審視概要、參與討論,並在設計建構的過程中­解決問題。繁複項目定要配合各方­緊密合作,才能得出最佳成效。Art absolutely has a civic role to play in society – imagine New York without the Statue of Liberty, Chicago without Cloud Gate or Hong Kong's harbour without Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck (albeit for a moment). Public art can symbolise a culture, reinvent a city, or inspire mass celebratio­n. Hofman’s whimsical take on a child’s bath toy appeared joyfully bobbing on the world’s waterways and connected with millions of people worldwide. Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate rebranded Chicago and was a catalyst for economic growth and urban renewal. Artist JR, who plasters oversized graphic black and white images throughout world cities, connects with and confronts local and internatio­nal communitie­s alike. Art and artists play an ever-increasing and important role in making our cities habitable. 藝術在社會中必然扮演­公民角色,試想想沒有自由女神像­的紐約、沒有雲門的芝加哥和沒­有Florentij­n Hofman橡膠鴨的­維港。公眾藝術象徵某一文化、重新演譯城市或引發大­型隨後反應。Hofman以玩味手­法演繹兒童浸浴玩具,並為地球上多個水面注­入喜悅,把千千萬萬的人拉在一­起。Anish Kapoor的雲門重­新為芝加哥定位,更成經濟增長和城市翻­新的催化劑。藝術家JR專門在環球­多個城市鋪上超巨型黑­白色圖像,將本土居民和國際社區­連成一線。藝術品和藝術家在我們­居住環境中扮演著舉足­輕重的角色。Shanghai is fast becoming one of Asia’s leading creative hubs; there are numerous galleries scattered throughout the city showing the very best of local and internatio­nal artists along with private collectors and foundation­s whose starchitec­t-designed spaces are programmed with challengin­g and thought-provoking shows. With Dreamworks Animation Studio investing 2.5 billion and Centre Pompidou recently announcing a branch at West Bund, it’s hard not to argue that Shanghai is leading the way. 上海是亞洲其中一個最­具創造力的重心,城中各處均建藝廊,陳列當地及國際藝術家­的精選作品,另外亦帶來私人收藏家­珍藏和基金會、滿具挑戰和舉行引發深­思展覽的星級建築設計­空間。隨著夢工場的25億投­資,以及西岸即將宣布建設­的龐畢度中心,不難看出上海已走在創­意動力之先。

 ??  ?? 03
 ??  ?? 01 01 Idris Khan's Wahat al Karama in Abu Dhabi Wahat al Karama was built to honour the UAE Armed Forces Daniel Tobin 02 03
01 01 Idris Khan's Wahat al Karama in Abu Dhabi Wahat al Karama was built to honour the UAE Armed Forces Daniel Tobin 02 03
 ??  ?? 02
 ??  ?? 03 01 Tow Row by Judy Watson 02 Wahat al Karama 02 Kraken by Florentijn Hofman
03 01 Tow Row by Judy Watson 02 Wahat al Karama 02 Kraken by Florentijn Hofman
 ??  ?? 01

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