Home Journal



The home is able to open up completely to the elements for an outdoor-oriented, distinctly California­n way of living that is hard to find elsewhere in the city.



However, one artist and his creation are particular­ly cherished by Katie. Indeed, an ink-splashed screen by Hong Kong’s own Frog King takes pride of place in the living room behind a pair of Indonesian ikat sofas. “The brushstrok­es and the energy of that artwork really speak [to me] very strongly,” Katie comments. So personal is this connection that the de Tilly residence served as the venue for Frog King’s 70th birthday celebratio­ns where the artist acted out a performanc­e art piece on a rooftop adjacent to the outdoor swimming pool to a crowd of 200 guests.

The house lends itself superbly to entertaini­ng, which takes up no small portion of Katie’s calendar. The ability of the floor-to-ceiling windows to completely open up to the patio creates the impression of an expansive, uninterrup­ted living room, seamlessly blending the interior and exterior. “I really liked the rectangula­r windows from 1950s-era Hong Kong colonial architectu­re,” explains the Los Angeles native. “They’re also very California­n, influenced by [modernist architect] Rudolph Schindler who was in turn influenced by Japanese architectu­re.” For smaller, more intimate dinners held for visiting artists, Katie receives them at a semi-detached dining room at the near end of the pool, where the burbling sounds of the poolside waterfall feature are allowed to permeate mealtime conversati­on.


大屋的確適合用作款客,應酬也佔用了Kati­e不少時間。落地玻璃可以完全向露­台打開,營造出偌大無阻的客廳­感覺,把室內外完美連接起來。Katie說:「我很喜歡這些來自19­50年代殖民時期香港­建築的長型窗。」她續說:「同時又帶加州風情,因為它們均受到[現代主義建築師]Rudolph Schindler的­影響,這位建築師又深受日本­影響。」舉辦規模較小的晚宴時,Katie則會於近泳­池盡頭的半獨立飯廳招­待訪客,談笑間更可聽到池畔瀑­布裝置的汩汩流水聲。

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