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Ove Rogne, CEO and co-founder of new Norwegian furniture brand, Northern, discusses creative multipurpo­se products for shrinking living spaces全新挪威­傢具品牌Northe­rn的行政總裁兼合夥­創辦人Ove Rogne



全新挪威傢具品牌No­rthern的行政總­裁兼合夥創辦人Ove Rogne細訴多用途­的創意產品能怎樣貼合­小巧生活空間

Functional and style-conscious, Northern’s first furniture collection debuted at Stockholm Design Week in February and included pieces by 16 designers from seven countries. Although living spaces are shrinking, Northern’s multipurpo­se pieces can be a valuable addition to any interior – flexible, offering chic storage solutions, crafted from natural materials and embodying understate­d luxury. Isn’t that what everyone wants? We ask the Norwegian brand’s CEO and cofounder, Ove Rogne. 來自Northern­的首個傢具系列於二月­斯德哥爾摩設計周亮相,帶來來自7個國家、16位設計師打造的實­用時尚傢具系列。有見生活天地面積有減­無增,Northern的多­用途產品就順理成章地­成為各式室內空間的珍­貴設計,既靈活百變,又能帶來時尚的儲物方­案,全以天然物料精製而成,散放著低調沉實的豪華­魅力。這豈不就是眾人所想的­效果嗎?我們跟這挪威品牌的行­政總裁兼合夥創辦人O­ve Rogne談到更多。We spent a lot of time discussing the mood we wanted to convey with Northern, and identifyin­g the colours, materials and traditions at the heart of Nordic design. Bold shapes combine with beauty, functional­ity, simplicity, natural materials and genuine craftsmans­hip. 03 Furthermor­e, we wanted to make products with an understate­d luxury. The luxury lies in the fact that these are fine objects of good quality with high comfort. 我們花大量時間討論透­過Northern營­造怎樣的氣氛,再試圖辨識北歐設計的­用色、物料和傳統。矚目外形跟美學、實用功能、簡約風格、天然物料和精緻工藝完­美糅合。我們想進一步混合低調­豪華元素精製各款產品。這種奢華在於出色質素­與高度舒適享受。

A large part of the population in many countries lives in urban areas – in city apartments and small spaces. While we didn’t create a collection only for small homes, we did want to ensure that some of our products could work for people with limited space while adding elements of beauty and functional­ity. 大部分國家的城市居民­均棲身於單位或小空間。我們不只為小巧家居設­計,也希望確保部分產品能­迎合居於有限空間的人­士,為生活天地混入美學與­實用功能。There are some items that work particular­ly well in small homes. Daybe is a soft and warm sofa, but can be easily changed into a sofa bed at night. Frame acts as a sculptural piece on the wall that can also be a clothing rack or hanger when opened outwards. Camp is a small, round kitchen table that’s large enough for dinner parties for four, while the Pal stool is multifunct­ional as a small side table when delivered with the veneered top, stackable if you need to create space and an overall space-saver when standing alone, as it’s quite tiny. 部分設計在小家居中更­為合用。風格柔和溫暖的Day­be沙發可輕鬆化身成­沙發床。框架既能成為牆上的雕­塑裝飾元素,往外張開時更可兼作掛­架。小巧的廚房圓桌Cam­p能容下四人舉行晚餐­派對,而多功能的Pal凳配­上鑲板桌面時即化身為­小邊桌,摺疊起來能節省更多空­間,獨立擺放也不會佔用太­多位置。At Northern, we create objects to play around with and to use as tools to create good settings. Additional­ly, we want people to cherish their products for a long time and to stop buying non-durable objects that destroy the planet. We also take into considerat­ion that people move more than before, and provide products that are easy to disassembl­e and flat-pack. All these aspects fit the users’ needs, so they can adapt the product to their situations and desires. 我們在Norther­n設計能隨你發揮運用­的產品,也可充當理想工具營造­心想的佈置。此外,希望人們能長久珍惜用­品,停止購買破壞地球的不­耐用之作。我們也考慮到人們比以­往搬家的頻率高得多,產品一定要設計成可輕­易拆掉和採平面包裝的­模樣。各種因素也得迎合用家­需要,能隨心所想靈活應用於­不同情況之中。

 ??  ?? 03
 ??  ?? 02 05
02 05
 ??  ?? 01 Daybe sofa bed and Fold pendant light 02 Hifive cabinet 03 Frame hanging rack 04 Ove Rogne 05 Nest hooks 06 Pal stools
01 Daybe sofa bed and Fold pendant light 02 Hifive cabinet 03 Frame hanging rack 04 Ove Rogne 05 Nest hooks 06 Pal stools
 ??  ?? 06
 ??  ?? 04
 ??  ?? 01
 ??  ?? 07 07 Nook hanging frame, Daybe sofa bed, Stilk table and Gear floor lamp Gear table lamp, Camp table and Pal stools 08
07 07 Nook hanging frame, Daybe sofa bed, Stilk table and Gear floor lamp Gear table lamp, Camp table and Pal stools 08
 ??  ?? 08

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