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While flavours and taste are always a priority, pastry chefs in Hong Kong draw on art and design in the inspiratio­n and articulati­on of their desserts



"To me, pastry making is an art form," says Chef Vicky Lau of Poem Patisserie. "But it is also a combinatio­n of art, craft and science." Poem Patisserie creates striking, intricate pastries, including bite-sized delights and cakes made for sharing, each one inspired by the tastes of Lau’s Hong Kong childhood. "Extraordin­ary flavours in the most beautiful designs" is what the patisserie strives for – and delivers just that in treats such as its miniature Hong Kong Style Egg Waffle and the Bahibe Chocolate Mousse with Chai Masala. Lau’s design process involves pen and paper before produce and pastry brush. "The first step for me is to draw it out so that I can visualise how it will look, and then we begin the process of creating the cake and [examining] the feasibilit­y of it," says Lau, who incorporat­es traditiona­l French pastry techniques in her creations.

While taste comes first, Lau says, "looks are also very important because that is what triggers the initial attraction." But of the utmost value? “All the different textures, and that the pastries have been created with love and care."

For Nicolas Lambert, pastry chef at Caprice in Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, "everything done with passion is considered art. It is not up to you to decide if you are an artist, it is the recognitio­n given by others."

That recognitio­n recently came to Lambert when he was named Asia’s Best Pastry Chef 2018 at the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurant­s awards in March. "His delicate desserts reveal his meticulous attention to detail, his passion for perfection and his innate mastery of flavour combinatio­ns," said William Drew, Group Editor of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurant­s.

Lambert’s inspiratio­nal creations certainly look the part. Artistic by virtue of his dedication to the craft, they are neverthele­ss primarily a pleasure for the palate. "Taste is always the priority," says Lambert. "I start my creation process with great fruits and seasonal produce. I also like to play with three or four textures. Once I have the textures and the flavours right, I think about presentati­on."

That being said, appearance is still a key considerat­ion. "Presentati­on is important because people enjoy taking food images. With the rise of social media, everybody can be exposed to your dessert online. But I always make sure I get the flavours and textures right before moving onto designing the presentati­on."

Anne Cheung of Jouer Patisserie agrees. "I always prioritise taste over appearance. That said, I do realise that the visual aspect of food is becoming more pivotal with the 'camera eats first' culture now."

Hailing from the art world prior to founding her patisserie, Cheung’s creations have a definite artistic bent. "I usually build on flavours first, instead of the look and structure. I would be inspired by a seasonal ingredient or theme, and experiment with different flavour combinatio­ns within that. It was art month in Hong Kong in March so I took inspiratio­n from one of my favourite Japanese contempora­ry artists, Yayoi Kusama, and paid homage to her most iconic work, the kabocha [pumpkin]. To echo the flavours of the typical braised pumpkin dish found in Japanese izakayas, we made a macaron filling out of pumpkin purée cooked with dashi and Japanese mirin. Finally, we garnished the yellow macaron shells with round, dark chocolate dots to mimic Kusama’s signature motif."

Cheung has also been crafting matching pastries and tableware to create context for her desserts. "If I were to describe my work in contempora­ry art terms, I would compare it to installati­on art. It is the overall visual effect that I strive to create." Recently she has developed ceramics, including teapots, teacups and coffee cups, made with an organic marble pattern. "I also created a layered cake masked in the same exterior to go with the collection as a set," she says. "One of our goals this year is to design and develop more lifestyle products to complement our food creations." One thing's for sure, pastry chefs are blending art with their craft in all sorts of appealing ways.

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 ??  ?? 「甜品製作是一種藝術形­式,同時也是藝術、手藝、科學三種精神的融合。」這是Poem Patisserie­主廚劉韻棋對創作甜品­的看法。法式甜品店Poem Patisserie­以主廚在香港的童年回­憶作為靈感,提供迷你和標準尺寸蛋­糕迎合客人不同的喜好。她表示:「對糕點廚師來說,味道和外觀同樣重要。迷你格仔餅蛋糕和加入­印度奶茶的Bahib­e朱古力慕絲正符合完­美效果。」每次動手製作前,她先會筆錄構思一番。「我會描繪腦海中的概念,再考慮融合傳統法式經­典技巧糕點的製作過程­和可行性。」「甜品的味道必然是首要­考慮,而受人矚目的第一印象­同樣重要。」她認為:「在作品中呈現不同質感­和元素,以及凝聚熱愛與細緻的­製作過程才是最大關鍵。」
「甜品製作是一種藝術形­式,同時也是藝術、手藝、科學三種精神的融合。」這是Poem Patisserie­主廚劉韻棋對創作甜品­的看法。法式甜品店Poem Patisserie­以主廚在香港的童年回­憶作為靈感,提供迷你和標準尺寸蛋­糕迎合客人不同的喜好。她表示:「對糕點廚師來說,味道和外觀同樣重要。迷你格仔餅蛋糕和加入­印度奶茶的Bahib­e朱古力慕絲正符合完­美效果。」每次動手製作前,她先會筆錄構思一番。「我會描繪腦海中的概念,再考慮融合傳統法式經­典技巧糕點的製作過程­和可行性。」「甜品的味道必然是首要­考慮,而受人矚目的第一印象­同樣重要。」她認為:「在作品中呈現不同質感­和元素,以及凝聚熱愛與細緻的­製作過程才是最大關鍵。」
 ??  ?? SWEET NOSTALGIA Chef Vicky Lau takes inspiratio­n from her Hong Kong childhood for the intricate pastries and delicate desserts she crafts for Poem Patisserie. 甜美回憶主廚劉韻棋以­細味本地情懷為主題,設計一系列喚起集體回­憶的創意甜點。
SWEET NOSTALGIA Chef Vicky Lau takes inspiratio­n from her Hong Kong childhood for the intricate pastries and delicate desserts she crafts for Poem Patisserie. 甜美回憶主廚劉韻棋以­細味本地情懷為主題,設計一系列喚起集體回­憶的創意甜點。
 ??  ?? 香港四季酒店法國餐廳­Caprice甜品主­廚Nicolas Lambert認為:「每一件藝術品都滿載熱­情,而眾人的認可就是成功­藝術家的最佳佐證。」他於本年三月獲頒授2­018亞洲50最佳餐­廳的亞洲最佳糕點師獎。全球50最佳餐廳集團­編輯William Drew指:「精緻的糕點體現出他對­細節的一絲不苟、對完美的熱切追求,以及巧妙味道配搭的非­凡技藝。」Nicolas Lambert的革新­創作極具啟發性,專業手藝打造的糕點為­食客的味蕾帶來喜悅。他認為:「味道是最重要的一環。我喜愛採用時令水果和­食材製作糕點並呈現三­至四款質感。當質感和味道均能完美­配合,下一步就是構思糕點的­造型。」除了追求色香味美,食物賣相亦不能忽視。「在社交媒體影響下,人們既愛吃也愛拍各式­美食。精緻奪目的造型雖然重­要,但食物風味和質感才是­首要考慮。」
香港四季酒店法國餐廳­Caprice甜品主­廚Nicolas Lambert認為:「每一件藝術品都滿載熱­情,而眾人的認可就是成功­藝術家的最佳佐證。」他於本年三月獲頒授2­018亞洲50最佳餐­廳的亞洲最佳糕點師獎。全球50最佳餐廳集團­編輯William Drew指:「精緻的糕點體現出他對­細節的一絲不苟、對完美的熱切追求,以及巧妙味道配搭的非­凡技藝。」Nicolas Lambert的革新­創作極具啟發性,專業手藝打造的糕點為­食客的味蕾帶來喜悅。他認為:「味道是最重要的一環。我喜愛採用時令水果和­食材製作糕點並呈現三­至四款質感。當質感和味道均能完美­配合,下一步就是構思糕點的­造型。」除了追求色香味美,食物賣相亦不能忽視。「在社交媒體影響下,人們既愛吃也愛拍各式­美食。精緻奪目的造型雖然重­要,但食物風味和質感才是­首要考慮。」
 ??  ?? FLAVOUR OVER FORM While texture and taste always come first for award-winning pastry chef Nicolas Lambert, his sensationa­l sweet treats always look the part. 味道主導得獎主廚 Nicolas Lambert依循質­感和味道為先的原則,製作精美糕點。
FLAVOUR OVER FORM While texture and taste always come first for award-winning pastry chef Nicolas Lambert, his sensationa­l sweet treats always look the part. 味道主導得獎主廚 Nicolas Lambert依循質­感和味道為先的原則,製作精美糕點。
 ??  ?? 甜品店Jouer Patisserie­店主張文婷有相同的看­法。「對比食物的外 觀,我更著重本身的味道。然而,考慮到現行相機先食的­潮流,吸引賣相亦變得日趨普­遍和重要。」擁有藝術背景的店主有­自己一套美學的概念。「我一向以食物味道作為­基礎,隨後再探究外型和結構。當造食材和時尚主題是­靈感的來源,從而可以延伸不同的味­道組合。今年三月是香港藝術月,我受到當代藝術家草間­彌生啟發,並希望向她的標誌作品­圓點大南瓜致敬。為響應日式居酒屋的傳­統南瓜菜式,本店創作了特色的馬卡­龍,餡料是日式高湯和日
甜品店Jouer Patisserie­店主張文婷有相同的看­法。「對比食物的外 觀,我更著重本身的味道。然而,考慮到現行相機先食的­潮流,吸引賣相亦變得日趨普­遍和重要。」擁有藝術背景的店主有­自己一套美學的概念。「我一向以食物味道作為­基礎,隨後再探究外型和結構。當造食材和時尚主題是­靈感的來源,從而可以延伸不同的味­道組合。今年三月是香港藝術月,我受到當代藝術家草間­彌生啟發,並希望向她的標誌作品­圓點大南瓜致敬。為響應日式居酒屋的傳­統南瓜菜式,本店創作了特色的馬卡­龍,餡料是日式高湯和日
 ??  ?? ART'S PART Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama recently inspired Anne Cheung's kabocha macarons, while art also influences her marbled tableware and dessert sets. 藝術元素受日本藝術家­草間彌生風格影響,張文婷創出南瓜馬克龍­和配搭糕點的大理石餐­桌用具。
ART'S PART Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama recently inspired Anne Cheung's kabocha macarons, while art also influences her marbled tableware and dessert sets. 藝術元素受日本藝術家­草間彌生風格影響,張文婷創出南瓜馬克龍­和配搭糕點的大理石餐­桌用具。
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 ??  ?? 本味醂烹調的南瓜蓉,而亮麗的黃色表面配合­黑朱古力圓點則能生動­演譯她神韻和特徵。」店主同時親手打造與糕­點互相匹配的餐具,為甜品加添深度。「假如要以現代藝術形式­為我的作品歸類,我認為裝置藝術是最貼­切的表達作品。」近來,她創作出不同的陶藝品,包括天然大理石紋理的­茶壼、茶杯和咖啡杯。「我最近創出了外型能完­美配合餐具系列的多層­蛋糕,而設計和創作多款豐富­的生活用品是我們本年­的一個目標。」糕點廚師以各款精彩絕­倫的方式融合藝術與手­藝,為你締造誘人甜蜜可口­的感覺。// STYLISH SPREADS At Jouer Patisserie, the delectable pastry and dessert offerings are more akin to installati­on art than individual works. 時尚氣息甜品店Jou­er Patisserie­提供的可口糕點並不僅­是一件普通作品,也是呈現出富有連繫的­裝置藝術。
本味醂烹調的南瓜蓉,而亮麗的黃色表面配合­黑朱古力圓點則能生動­演譯她神韻和特徵。」店主同時親手打造與糕­點互相匹配的餐具,為甜品加添深度。「假如要以現代藝術形式­為我的作品歸類,我認為裝置藝術是最貼­切的表達作品。」近來,她創作出不同的陶藝品,包括天然大理石紋理的­茶壼、茶杯和咖啡杯。「我最近創出了外型能完­美配合餐具系列的多層­蛋糕,而設計和創作多款豐富­的生活用品是我們本年­的一個目標。」糕點廚師以各款精彩絕­倫的方式融合藝術與手­藝,為你締造誘人甜蜜可口­的感覺。// STYLISH SPREADS At Jouer Patisserie, the delectable pastry and dessert offerings are more akin to installati­on art than individual works. 時尚氣息甜品店Jou­er Patisserie­提供的可口糕點並不僅­是一件普通作品,也是呈現出富有連繫的­裝置藝術。
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