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FROM CIGAR COLLECTION­S TO SNEAKERS, SKI GEAR TO ARCADES, there’s a world within every Pinel et Pinel trunk. The luxury brand founded by Fred Pinel is known for imaginativ­e iterations of the luggage; among his bespoke creations are a sneaker trunk for Michael Jordan, and another featuring a gaming arcade complete with Pac-Man and Space Invaders. We speak to Fred on luxury, his creative process, and what sets Hong Kong – home of the first Pinel et Pinel store in Asia – apart from the European market.

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TURN TRUNKS INTO A FORM OF FURNITURE? I don’t think I transform trunks into furniture. I think they’re made the same way. If someone wants a trunk for travelling, I’ll make it for them. If they don’t, I’ll do ‘furniture’, without wheels.

DESCRIBE YOUR DESIGN PROCESS. I take a shower. (Laughs) Once I do something, it’s very easy, because everything is possible. For example, a trunk for a small motorbike – if we want to do that, why not? Whoever says ‘no’ will not be able to do it. Because I’m still alive at the moment, I can create what I want. Everything is possible for me.

HOW DO YOU SEE PINEL ET PINEL IN THE HOMES OF HONGKONGER­S? It depends. My clients have large spaces – they give me the details and I create a trunk for them. But they’re not the only market – if they prefer something smaller, we can do it. Small is still beautiful.

WHAT DIFFERENCE­S DO YOU OBSERVE BETWEEN THE ASIAN AND EUROPEAN MARKETS? I think the difference is that in Asia, you are more colourful, preferring lots of bright colours rather than brown and black. In France – in Europe – they prefer dark colours. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: LUXURY IS _____. Simple. STYLE IS _____. Personal.

不論是雪茄、波鞋、雪具,又或是遊戲設備,法國奢華品牌Pine­l et Pinel總能為你製­作稱心滿意的收藏櫃。創辦人Fred Pinel以經典的行­李箱為創作靈感,重新演繹時尚獨特的家­品裝飾。其中包括為Micha­el Jordan定制的鞋­櫃及能夠重溫吃豆人和­太空侵略者等遊戲的街­機櫃。以下Fred與我們分­享他對奢華的見解、設計過程,在香港開設首間Pin­el et Pinel亞洲區專門­店的原因。





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01 The Watch Keeper Trunk 02 Fred Pinel 03 Custom-made Michael Jordan Trunk 04 The Arcade Trunk 04
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