Tatler Hong Kong

Festival Barometer

Are you a festival pro? Have a gander below for what’s hot and not



Absolutely not joking here. Phone reception at music festivals is notoriousl­y dodgy and these old-school gizmos have great range. Less Instagramm­ing potential, but tune in to the right channel and get the backstage goss.

glamping Whether a 5* Burning Man camp, luxury yurt or full-blown inn a la the Pop-up Hotel at Glastonbur­y ... No one likes sitting in a soggy tent, so get organised and do the right thing. You know you want to.

groupies Think about it. You love their music, you know the middle name of their pet goldfish ... What could be better than hanging out backstage with the band? Get creative with your method of approach— panty-hurling optional.

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