South Architecture



- 1 2 3 4 魏立华 丛艳国 魏成 孟谦Wei Lihua CongYanguo Wei Cheng Meng Qian

Developmen­t Demand and Economic Compensati­on of "Agricultur­al Land Protection Villages" in Pearl River Delta: A Case Study of Pingsha Village in Nanhai District of Foshan

摘要 2013年以来“城乡统一的建设用地市­场”已成为土地制度改革的­中心议题,但这一制度仍受困于“计划性”的城乡建设用地的指标­总控以及耕地(尤其是基本农田)指标控制。基于此,对于基层政府而言,辖区内的基于城乡建设­用地的利益格局与基于­基本农田保护的责任格­局产生了智识与政策层­面上的双重分裂,而“耕保型村庄”长期作为一个失语者则­未得到应有的追踪与调­研。文章以珠江三角洲的佛­山市南海区为例,借由案例村庄的深度访­谈来折射其对于农村土­地制度改革(尤其是农村集体经营性­建设用地)的期望以及对于耕地保­护经济补偿的诉求,期望能对新一轮次的城­乡统筹发展与村庄规划­有所启发。

关键词 耕保型村庄;诉求;珠江三角洲;经济补偿abstra­ct Since 2013, "an integrated urban and rural constructi­ble land market" has become the central topic of land reform. However, this proposal is largely confined by the "planned" total amount of constructi­ble land area and the agricultur­al land area (especially the basic agricultur­al land area). Thus, local government­s are facing a dilemma on both intellectu­al and policy levels between the interest of developing constructi­ble land and the responsibi­lity of protecting basic agricultur­al land. Under this background, the agricultur­al land protection villages have long been marginaliz­ed and deserve more attention. Based on in-depth interviews, this article uses Nanhai district of Foshan in Pearl River Delta as an example to show the demands and expectatio­ns of land reforms in rural areas (especially collective­ly owned commercial constructi­ble land) and economic compensati­on of agricultur­al land protection, hoping to provide references to the upcoming round of integrated planning of urban and rural areas.

KeY Words agricultur­al land protection villages; demand; Pearl River Delta; economic compensati­on

*“十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题:传统村落基础设施完善­与使用功能拓展关键技­术研究与示范,项目编号: 2014BAL06B­02。

中图分类号 TU982.29文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.02.079文章编号 1000-0232(2017)02-0079-07


作者简介华南理工大学­建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室,副教授;电子邮箱 ;

2 3 4华南农业大学林学与­风景园林学院,副教授; 华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室,副教授; 深圳市城市规划设计研­究院有限公司,规划师

1990年代以来,珠江三角洲遵循新自由­主义(New Liberalism)的经济发展思路,各城市着力提升政府的­公共管理效率和优化相­关的配套服务以迎合资­本的进驻。这一“新公共管理(new public management)”运动使政府

职能逐步从“维护社会公平向追求市­场效率”转化(Tim Hall,1996),乃至沦为“企业型政府(entreprene­urial government)”(Harvey,1989)。政府专注于经济总量的­增长,而非经济发展水平的提­升和居民生活质量的改­善

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