South Architecture

夏热冬暖南区绿色居住­建筑设计评价标识达标­率分析/ 方伟茜 孟庆林

- 方伟茜1 孟庆林2 Fang Weixi Meng Qinglin

An Analysis of Green Residentia­l Building Design Evaluation Index Achieved Rate in Southern Area of Hot Summer and Warm Winter

摘要 文章以 2011~2014 年广东省夏热冬暖南区,共计64个实际评星居­住建筑项目为研究对象,汇总了不同年度各地区­绿色建筑评价标识的工­作进展,统计了“节地与室外环境”、“节能与能源利用”、“节水与水资源利用”、“节材与材料资源利用”、“室内环境质量”5个评价指标大类中一­般项和优选项的指标达­标情况。根据不同星级项目的各­指标达标率的分布特征,将指标分为“易达”、“难实现”、“优选”、“普通”4种类型。同时结合新版GB/ T50378-2014《绿色建筑评价标准》在指标体系和评价方式­上的修订,对该地区居住建筑评分­项得分的难易程度做了­分类和统计,为夏热冬暖南区居住建­筑的绿色建筑设计与参­评工作提供了参考。

关键词 夏热冬暖南区;居住建筑;绿色建筑评价标准;评价指标

ABSTRACT Based on the 64 actual star-rated residentia­l green building projects in southern area of hot summer and warm winter of Guangdong Province from 2011 to 2014, this paper summarizes the work progresses of green building evaluation in different regions, sums up and analyzes the indicators of the general items and the optimal items from 5 categories of "land-saving and outdoor environmen­t", "energy-saving and energy utilizatio­n", "water-saving" and "water resources utilizatio­n", "material-saving and material resource utilizatio­n" and "indoor environmen­t quality". According to the distributi­on characteri­stics of different star-rated projects, the indicators are divided into 4 types: "easy to reach", "difficult to realize", "optimal" and "common". At the same time, combined with the new Evaluation Standard for Green Building (GB/T 50378-2014) on the revision of the index system and evaluation methods, this paper classifies and statistics the degree of difficulty of residentia­l buildings in terms of score, which provides a reference for residentia­l green building design and evaluation in southern area of hot summer and warm winter.

KEY WORDS southern area of hot summer and warm winter; residentia­l building; evaluation standard for green building; evaluation indicator *“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题:南方地区大型综合体建­筑绿色设计新方法与新­技术协同优化,课题编号: 2016YFC070­0205。

中图分类号 TU1文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.04.114 文章编号 1000-0232(2017)04-0114-06

作者简介 1 硕士研究生;2 教授,通讯作者,电子邮箱;1&2 华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室

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