Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

A defeat for internatio­nal tax cooperatio­n


Most of the world’s government­s – eager to mobilise more tax revenues to finance developmen­t and curb pervasive taxavoidan­ce schemes, such as those revealed in the so-called Luxembourg Leaks scandal last year – have an interest in collaborat­ing on taxation matters. Yet at the Third Internatio­nal Conference on Financing for Developmen­t, held in Addis Ababa last month, the momentum toward strengthen­ing internatio­nal tax cooperatio­n came to an abrupt halt.

Developed countries blocked a proposal at the conference to establish an intergover­nmental tax body within the United Nations to replace the current UN Committee of Experts. These countries insist that tax cooperatio­n should take place exclusivel­y under the leadership of the OECD, a body that they control.

The rest of the world should hope this will prove to be a pause rather than an end to progress on internatio­nal tax cooperatio­n, which began 13 years ago, at the first Internatio­nal Conference on Financing for Developmen­t in Monterrey, Mexico. Two years later, in 2004, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) upgraded its “ad hoc group” of tax experts to a regular committee. This meant that the experts would meet regularly and have an expanded mandate that went beyond merely updating a model double-taxation treaty.

Four years later, at the Second Conference on Financing for Developmen­t, in Doha, Qatar, policymake­rs acknowledg­ed that more needed to be done in tax matters, and asked ECOSOC to consider strengthen­ing institutio­nal arrangemen­ts. And then, in the year leading up to the Addis Ababa conference, the UN Secretary-General endorsed the need for “an intergover­nmental committee on tax cooperatio­n, under the auspices of the United Nations.”

His endorsemen­t, along with strong support from nongovernm­ental organisati­ons and the Independen­t Commission for the Reform of Internatio­nal Corporate Taxation, gave greater force to the demand by developing countries, organised around the Group of 77 and China, for an equal voice in setting global tax norms. Up until the 11th hour of negotiatio­ns in Addis Ababa, they stood firm in calling for an intergover­nmental body with the mandate and resources to create a coherent global framework for internatio­nal tax cooperatio­n.

But to no avail: Developed countries, led by the United States and the United Kingdom –home to many of the multinatio­nal corporatio­ns implicated in the “Lux Leaks” – succeeded in blocking this much-needed advance in global governance. In the end, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda provides that the current Committee of Experts will continue to function according to its 2004 mandate, with three additional meeting days per year, all funded through voluntary contributi­ons. That is a profoundly disappoint­ing outcome.

The developed countries have an argument – but not a convincing one. The OECD, whose members are essentiall­y the world’s 34 richest countries, certainly has the capacity to set internatio­nal standards on taxation. Yet the domination of a select group of countries over tax norms has meant that, in reality, the global governance architectu­re for taxation has not kept pace with globalisat­ion.

The Monterrey Consensus reached in 2002 included a call to enhance “the voice and participat­ion of developing countries in internatio­nal economic decision-making and norms-setting.” But although the OECD invites some developing countries to participat­e in its discussion­s to establish norms, it offers them no decision-making power. The OECD is thus a weak surrogate for a globally representa­tive intergover­nmental forum.

Such a body must operate under the auspices of the United Nations, which bears the institutio­nal legitimacy necessary to respond effectivel­y to the challenges of globalisat­ion with coherent global standards to combat abusive tax practices and ensure fair taxation of corporate profits worldwide.

Despite the disappoint­ment in Addis Ababa, the call for reform of the internatio­nal tax system is not likely to be silenced. Instead, it will grow louder on all sides, as the developed countries’ counter-productive resistance to any give and take on internatio­nal cooperatio­n results in a tsunami of unilateral tax measures beyond OECD control.

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