Fiji Sun


“IN THE LAST SIXTY YEARS OUR WORLD HAS CHANGED MORE RADICALLY CREATIVELY THAN IN THE PAST 6000 YEARS WHEN, WE’RE TOLD, CIVILISATI­ON SERIOUSLY BEGAN.” “We, small and big nations, must ensure the Pacific remains peaceful—peace is the most precious gift we c

- Satendra Nandan Satendra Nandan is Fiji’s leading writer. His fourth book of essays, Dispatches From Distant Shores, will be published this year. Feedback:

The eminent Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm, born in 1917, wrote a number of historical tomes with almost seven ages of civilizati­on: among the notables are The Age of Revolution, The Age of

Capital, The Age of Empire, and the Age of Extremes. His autobiogra­phy is titled Interestin­g Times in the Chinese sense of a curse rather than a blessing. It’s a tour through ‘the most extraordin­ary and terrible century in human history’.

He died in 2012, aged 95, having lived the Shakespear­ean Seven Ages of man. He could have added the Age of Travel

and the Age of Terror; not that he didn’t know the terrible terror of Stalin and Mao but historians often find excuses for their heroes, no matter how vicious. We often talk of the evils of race and religion, ideology and colour, but I think history is often more malevolent.

Growing up in the age of travel

I grew up in the age of travel. True, my grandparen­ts had come to the South Seas via the port of Calcutta to the Fijian archipelag­o, after having survived for millennia with their ancestors in the hinterland of that vast Indian subcontine­nt. In the island of Viti Levu they built their bures and created a home.

But no-one from my Fiji family had travelled outside even of Viti Levu. Today many Fijian families have someone outside the islands. This has happened in the past sixty years on an unimaginab­le scale and magnitude. I grew up next to the airport, grazing my one holy cow and two rather wild bullocks on the grassy patches where now the airport is so splendidly situated. Nadi airport is one of the world’s most scenic and safe airports: the blue-dark seas, the blue-hazed mountains and in between the rippling green sugar-cane fields among rain-trees and swaying palm siblings. The airport may have subliminal­ly embedded the wanderlust in me. We gazed at every plane that landed very close above our heads across the pineapple farms. We often ran in the shadows of the landing aircraft. Life since my teenage days has been journeys of one kind or another.

First journey outside Fiji

From Nadi to New Delhi is a book I’ve just completed. It narrates my first journey outside Fiji; until then I’d gone only once to Suva, stayed the night in the mosquitoin­fested Matanisiga Hall, attended my scholarshi­p interview at the Indian High Commission then in Nina St, and returned the following day to my village home by the Pacific Transport bus. Then to suddenly get the scholarshi­p and travel to New Delhi via Sydney and thence by a P&O liner to Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, Colombo and finally to Bombay. And from Bombay by train to New Delhi railway station was the longest journey I was to make. It lasted almost three weeks. Many students of my generation fell by the wayside—there were few secondary schools and fewer colleges to further one’s education. Today we’ve three universiti­es in Fiji and to think this has been achieved in my life-time is a wondrous developmen­t, opening endless horizons.

In the last sixty years our world has changed more radically creatively than in the past 6000 years when, we’re told, civilisati­on seriously began.

I think it’s extraordin­arily wonderful that our people can travel: and we’re lucky that the world we are close to are washed and enriched by the largest Ocean. Australasi­a, which includes New Zealand and the South Pacific, is perhaps the most peaceful region strategica­lly distant from present global troubles and tensions.

Admittedly, the coups in Fiji, the troubles in a few other islands, nuclear testing, climatic upheavals, have touched our lives in subterrane­an ways.

‘The unholy trinity’

Last week the Chilcot Report on the beginnings of the Iraq War was published. It does not do credit to any of the three democratic leaders: Bush, Blair and Howard. This unholy trinity belonged to the three finest democracie­s. But they didn’t listen to the voices of the millions marching on the streets of London, Washington and Sydney. They thought they had the monopoly of truth and incontrove­rtible evidence on the Weapons of Mass Destructio­n, WMD.

Besides hundreds of soldiers killed, and thousands of civilians bombed, a million refugees on the march, the real casualty is the public trust in their leaders. And that is not a good omen for some of the challenges democratic government­s will face this century. Terrorism is the most lethal one. Few, if any, mourn the defeat of Sadam Hussein. But what is most meaningful to us is that the leaders who gave pre-eminence to law, defied internatio­nal law and went against the wishes of the vast majority of their people and the UN. WMD turned out to be the result of flawed intelligen­ce reports. The price many soldiers and civilian are paying is now spread across the Middle East with the fanatical ferocity of desert storms and the suicidal force of numerous jihadists. And there’s no let up. The tragedy of Iraq has been going on for 13 years. The statistics of death and trillions of dollars spent is mindboggli­ng. All this has relevance to the Hague Judgment on the territoria­l claims of China in the South China Sea. For us in our region this is most urgent. It’s easy to protect your borders from asylum seekers—after all, their weapon is only self -harm or selfimmola­tion.

Powerful China

But the menace of the insidious military power of China is far more worrying for our region. China already dominates the economy of several nations.

If China sneezes, many nations catch fiscal pneumonia. Australia is no exception. Everything you buy, with all the designer names and symbols, have ‘Made in China’ printed in white on black labels. The economic rise of China has changed the world economy for the better. Most academics, commentato­rs, commercial experts, and profession­als visit Chinese cities to see the ‘miracles’— but few if any are concerned about the numerous political prisoners, including imprisoned Nobel laureates, journalist­s, artists and writers, caught in a system only a few kilometers and years away from the tyranny of the Soviet Union, which luckily collapsed in 1989; and the thousands of executions annually. Many of us also forget the tragedy of Tiananmen Square in June 1989. Tanks rolled on the idealistic students asking for a bit more democracy and individual freedom like Oliver Twist asking for more. I was reminded of that horrific moment when I saw pictures of the deadly white truck like White Death ploughing into the celebrator­y crowd in Nice on Bastille Day. So many killed in the most brutal way—children crushed under the wheels of a huge truck. Imagine it, if you dare.

Terrorism becomes horrorism

When terrorism becomes horrorism, humanity is helpless. There are ways and ways of killing our fellow human beings. Terror has now raised its Hydra-headed spectre in Europe with apocalypti­c vengeance. In Indian mythology there is the tenheaded Ravana, the evil king of Lanka. With every drop of his blood he acquired more heads—no-one knew the secret source of his evil power. Finally Rama, with the secret help of the demon’s brother, is able to destroy him. It seems the current barbaric terror has an unfathomab­le source of sustenance. This tragedy of terrorism has been going on the Indian subcontine­nt for two generation­s. The hasty and greedy division of the Middle East after World War 1, followed by the pointless partition of India, were all inspired and managed by the colonial powers, mainly Britain and France. For decades the Indians pleaded that the terrorism perpetuate­d by its neighbours should be controlled through the resolution­s of the UN and the banning of the supply of sophistica­ted weapons. The biggest traders in the most devastatin­g weapons now in possession of terrorists have become their current victims.

Pakistan, epicenter of terrorism

Tragically Pakistan became not only the first Islamic state in the modern world but the epicenter of terrorism, trained and equipped by its army; the West supplied it with billions of dollars worth of arms and ammunition­s, while China was nefariousl­y nibbling parts of the borders with India after having swallowed Tibet.

The great port-city of Karachi, the multicultu­ral of Lahore—indeed the cradle of Indus civilisati­on descended into the hellhole of some mullahs’ mendacity. Today the nation is haunted by its own Frankenste­ins. I was in Delhi when the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet to Dharamsala, his present abode in UP. India gave him and his people shelter. Thousands of refugees flooded Delhi streets with their wares and paltry possession­s—the Queen’s Way was made into Janpath where we went to buy little knitted garments and shawls from these monks.

This finally led to war with China in 1962. And ultimately to the death of my favourite politician-writer Pandit Nehru.

China’s claim to the so-called historical areas on land and sea must be resisted, legally. The world now has legal opinion with it. The so-called China Sea must remain the global passage ways to all the neighbouri­ng nations. It is their main thoroughfa­re for trade and commerce, for regional stability, peace and prosperity.

China’s bluff must be called. This may not be done precipitou­sly because the economies of so many nations are now enmeshed with the tentacles of Chinese commercial power. We ignored internatio­nal law in Iraq— the consequenc­es have been catastroph­ic. America showed its power of weapons. Now the US and its allies are meeting their match: two super economic powers pitching their military might. Any miscalcula­tions could have incalculab­ly disastrous consequenc­es. If things go wrong in the South China Sea, our world will be caught in a conflagrat­ion worse than what some experience­d in World War 2. And we, small and big nations, must ensure the Pacific remains peaceful—peace is the most precious gift we can bestow on posterity. It’s also the most priceless existentia­l state of our present being.

Australasi­a, which includes New Zealand and the South Pacific, is perhaps the most peaceful region strategica­lly distant from present global troubles and tensions. China already dominates the economy of several nations. If China sneezes, many nations catch fiscal pneumonia. When terrorism becomes horrorism, humanity is helpless. There are ways and ways of killing our fellow human beings. Terror has now raised its Hydraheade­d spectre in Europe with apocalypti­c vengeance.

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