Vocable (Anglais)



John Legend and Alicia Keys, Ariana Grande and Seth MacFarlane and Shaquille O’Neal and John Cena buckle up and belt in Apple Music’s upcoming Carpool Karaoke series. The new show is based on The Late Late Show’s hit segment, in which host James Corden rides around Los Angeles singing with various musicians and other special guests. While Corden will appear in at least one episode alongside Will Smith – the pair fittingly howl «I Believe I Can Fly» in a helicopter – the show primarily pairs two celebritie­s together.

to buckle up attacher sa ceinture de sécurité / to belt (out) chanter à pleins poumons/tue-tête (jeu de mot avec belt ceinture) / upcoming à venir, prochain, imminent / show ici, série (télévisée) / hit (à) succès / segment séquence (émission) / host hôte, animateur / to ride, rode, ridden around circuler dans / guest invité / while bien que / at least au moins, minimum / alongside aux côtés de / the pair (tous) les deux / fittingly fort à propos / to howl hurler; ici, chanter à tue-tête (non mélodieuse­ment) / primarily principale­ment, essentiell­ement / to pair together associer.

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