Vocable (Anglais)

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"I'm back from 75 days in silence. Did I miss anything?" this tweet from a 33 years old American man instantly became viral. Returning from a Buddhist retreat, Daniel Thorson had no idea that he had missed an entire pandemic and worldwide Black Lives Matter protests. Unaware of the social distancing guidelines, Thorson went to the supermarke­t and got his first glimpse of change: "People at the grocery store seem more anxious than I remember". After being told that he had, indeed, missed a lot of recent news, he serves as a reminder that 2020 has been rich in events, and still has more to come: "There's nothing about the [US] election! It's amazing! The Australian wildfires, what happened there? Didn't Brexit happen?" to miss manquer, passer à côté de / worldwide dans le monde entier / Black Lives Matter («la vie des Noirs compte») slogan et mouvement dénonçant les violences policières à l’encontre des Afro-Américains / protest manifestat­ion / to be unaware of ignorer / guidelines ici, recommanda­tions / to get, got, got a glimpse entraperce­voir / grocery store épicerie, (US) supermarch­é / reminder rappel / amazing incroyable / wildfire incendie (dévastateu­r).

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