Business Spotlight Spezial



1. Practise more

A. audience = Zuhörer(innen)

B. screen = Bildschirm; Leinwand C. heart (by heart = auswendig)

D. prompts = Stichwörte­r

E. aids (visual aid = Anschauung­smaterial, grafische Darstellun­g) F. attention (grab sb.’s attention ifml. = jmds. Aufmerksam­keit erregen) G. bullet (bullet point = Gliederung­spunkt)

2. Pack your tools

A. plug (plug adapter = Adapterste­cker) B. sockets = Steckbuchs­en, -dosen C. cord (extension cord = Verlängeru­ngskabel) D. charger = Ladegerät E. projector = Beamer F. speakers = Lautsprech­er(boxen) G. control (remote control = Fernbedien­ung) H. deck (slide deck = Präsentati­onsfolien) I. drive (thumb drive

= USB-Stick)

3. Introduce yourself A– 3; B– 6; C– 2; D– 5; E– 1; F– 4

4. Engage with everyone A. Where would you rather be right now?

B. What if I told you that we could? C. I’m sure you’ll all agree with me. D. As you know all too well.

E. Would you like to learn how we went about it?

5. Structure it well

A. show

B. move

C. look

D. give

E. spend

F. say

G. outline = (kurz) darstellen, skizzieren H. take = hier: dauern I. interrupt

6. Maximize and emphasize A. much, even, far B. strongly, fully, honestly C. main, especially, particular D. above, addition, instance E. draw, shows, notice F. hand, other, contrary

7. Be prepared

A. Moving (move on to sth.

= zu etw. übergehen) B. turn (turn to sth.

= sich etw. zuwenden)

C. Going D. repeating E. come F. talking (talk sb. through sth. = etw. mit jmdm. durchgehen) G. to deal H. brings

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