Business Spotlight Spezial

A wake-up call


Aufgabe des Marketing ist die Vermarktun­g von Produkten und Dienstleis­tungen. Wir haben für Sie Übungen zusammenge­stellt, mit denen Sie testen können, wie gut Sie

sich auf Englisch mit den entspreche­nden Methoden und Werkzeugen auskennen.


1. Your strengths (6 points)

To start, Nadia talks to Paul and Maeve about the recent SWOT analysis they did together. Complete each sentence with the right word from the box.

audience | buzz | competitor­s | gap | start-ups |


Nadia: You have a quality product. But you’re not selling as well as you were two years ago.

Paul: We are under threat from a number of (A) in this business. Our parents didn’t understand that, thanks to the internet, we now have a lot more (B) .

Nadia: You need a good digital marketing strategy on top of traditiona­l marketing — one that gets people more emotional about your mattresses.

Paul: Do people get emotional about mattresses — apart from when they’re having sex on them? And even then… it’s not the mattress we get emotional about. Will we use sex, then?

Maeve: Paul! Go on, Nadia.

Nadia: Using sex after the # MeToo protests might have a negative effect. We should focus more on consumer fears about plastic, health and wellness. And rest and sleep! There is a(n) (C) in the market for more eco-friendly mattresses and bedding. This is the area where we can create a(n) (D) around your products. Paul: I want to believe that could work. But I’m still not sure how we can do this in the case of mattresses.

Maeve: How would we even find people who are interested in such products?

Nadia: It’s my responsibi­lity to identify the best (E) where we can reach such a target (F) .

2. Your market (6 points)

Nadia presents the results of her market research, which helped her to create a buyer persona. She’s been looking at what inspires, motivates and excites people about mattresses and bedding. Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. We’ve given you the first two letters.

Let me explain how we have been working over the past six weeks. We (A) ca out indepth research into the mattress industry across the whole of the EU. We (B) ga statistica­l data on sales. We (C) mi an incredible amount of online data from your websites and third parties. Big data doesn’t lie — especially in marketing! Using modern machine-learning tools, we (D) de personas and market segments for your products.

But we also got personal.

We (E) ra six different focus groups in three Irish cities. The result was clear. Most people don’t really know the difference between the different mattress brands. But they do worry about what materials are used in the manufactur­ing of the mattresses. Your brand is one of the most eco-friendly mattresses on the market. By focusing on this, we have already (F) di your brand from all other brands out there.

Let me show you just how many people are prepared to spend more on a quality mattress. These people could be your customers!

3. The basics of brands (8 points)

Nadia introduces Paul and Maeve to some ideas on brand marketing. The words in bold are not where they should be. Put them where they belong.

Green SleepOver will become the (A) awareness

brand of the industry — the leading premium brand. We are not even going to try to compete with the less expensive (B) loyalty

brands. If you compete on price,

you will lose.

This will be our brand (C) values for the long term.

In our new marketing campaign, we will highlight the eco-friendly nature of all your products: the fact that you use eco-friendly materials from eco-friendly suppliers. And that your stores provide a personal service — but that you can also order easily online. These are just a few of your brand (D) positionin­g that we will focus on in the campaign.

Using digital and traditiona­l marketing tools, we will build brand (E) economy . More people will connect your brand to eco-friendly mattresses and bedding.

The result will be customers who will buy mattresses from you, but who will also return to you for all their bedroom extras. We will create a special range of pillows, duvets and covers. Such brand (F) flagship is important. It makes customers return to you again and again. This will create the kind of brand (G) advocates

that will help increase your sales in the future and in the long term.

Most importantl­y, people will talk positively about your products, write great reviews, blogs and social media posts and even make funny videos. These people will be your brand (H) extension .

So, do you want to see how we can get people excited about mattresses?

4. Making use of old and new (5 points)

Nadia suggests using a variety of channels to advertise the products. Match the correct type of media to her statement about it.

A. Broadcast media: TV and radio commercial­s, product placement

B. Print media: newspapers, magazines, classified ads

C. Out- of-home media: billboards, signage, busstop ads

D. Social media: Facebook, Instagram, hashtags E. Online media: pop-ups, landing pages, web


1. Here, we focus on the opportunit­ies of potential customers seeing our products. The images must also be placed high up. And we won’t book something in the middle of nowhere! 2. We need to analyse the audience share first, before we can make a final decision on where to advertise.

3. The most important criterion here is the engagement rate. The more people like, share and comment on posts, the better for us. We also have to make sure the followers are real and not fake, of course.

4. The key criterion is site traffic. If there aren’t many visitors, we won’t consider advertisin­g here.

5. We focus here on circulatio­n. It has to be high

and our consumers have to read them.

5. Searching for sleep (8 points)

An online content marketing strategy will be important for the new business and e- commerce site. Nadia uses a lot of abbreviati­ons and acronyms when she talks about this topic and “PESO” (see box). Add the missing word to complete each expression.

A. We’re not just selling mattresses; we are creating a story together with the customer. And it will focus on your USP. We will use storytelli­ng to communicat­e your unique selling


B. Any changes we make to your website will, of course, meet GDPR standards. The EU general data protection forces us to be more transparen­t with the data we collect.

C. The result will be a SEO- friendly web design.

We are experts at search engine .

D. And your content will rank higher on SERP. It will also now appear on the search engine

pages with images and video.

E. We will optimize the content of your webpages, which will help maximize the CTR. This is also true of your email campaigns. The

-through rate on all these campaigns will be high.

F. More importantl­y, we’ll introduce you to a number of techniques to improve CRO — that’s the rate optimizati­on. We will get the customers to buy your products.

G. This means, at the end of the day, we will look at the most important KPI of all. What is this key performanc­e ? It’s sales, of course. How much have you sold?

H. We promise you a level of ROI that you have never seen before. Yes, the on investment will be high.

6. How to influence people (9 points)

Nadia suggests working with some Instagram influencer­s to create a more modern marketing strategy. Choose the correct noun.

Nadia: The idea is to get people to think as much about their sleep and rest as they do about their workouts. Milly is here to tell us about the work she does in this area as an influencer on Instagram. She can help us increase your social (A) fingerprin­t / footprint.

Milly: I’m a lifestyle, wellness and designer blogger.

Paul: So, tell me how that gets us the media (B) conduct / coverage we need.

Milly: Every day, people post millions of pictures on Instagram. Most just disappear. My posts are seen by my followers — all 300,000 of them. I have a strong Instagram (C) presentati­on / presence. So, you get immediate (D) access / admission to potential customers. My followers are real, and they interact with my posts. I can help you to build a personal and emotional relationsh­ip with potential customers. That’s how I can increase your (E) reach / stretch.

Nadia: Her Instagram (F) food / feed has a very feminine touch.

Maeve: How would it work?

Milly: You pay me for (G) leads / heads, that is, for each of my followers who shows an interest in your company. And you also pay me every time I write about your company — and for each (H) motion / mention, too.

Maeve: I don’t know. All this talk about Instagram and wellness worries me. Aren’t Insta- celebritie­s making people unwell? They only show people who are having an amazing time.

Paul: That’s basically all that marketing is about, Maeve.

Nadia: I think it’s more complicate­d than that! With social media, we can make sure that your brand is always front of (I) mind / face.

7. We’re green, great and growing (8 points)

After only six months, it’s already clear that the new marketing campaign has been a success. Unscramble the words to create adjectives about the results. The first two letters are correct.

A. The marketing campaign shows we’re totally

tr owhtrsuyt . B. The content is bu zothzywr . C. The posts are ey c-ecaingth . D. The videos always go vi lra . E. The blogs are me leabmor . F. The messages are in pnsalirati­o

. G. They show how pa oisnates

we are about our company and services. H. Green SleepOver looks totally ge inenu


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Will anyone hear your message?
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