China Daily

Key areas needing policy innovation in 2021- 25

- By Cao Wenlian The writer is vice- president of the China Society of Economic Reform. The views don’t necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

Major economies around the world are all exploring innovation in macroecono­mic policy in face of current domestic and internatio­nal uncertaint­ies.

Given the past experience of China’s reform and opening- up, the nation cannot ignore the important role of policy innovation, which does not necessaril­y mean reform.

Well, reform is mainly about developmen­t direction, strategy and other long- term fundamenta­l issues. Policy innovation is about short- term problems, and techniques used to solve them.

Economic developmen­t of a region within a large country requires more policy innovation now. Developmen­t strategies used in the past in various zones and “new areas” no longer appear like policy incentives nor would they result in accumulati­on of production factors.

So, the following five key areas should be boosted with policy innovation during the 14 th Five- Year Plan period ( 2021- 25).

First and foremost, support for a developmen­t strategy for the western region should be intensifie­d. Not long ago, at a forum, I had called for the use of a new nationwide system in the developmen­t strategy for the western region.

In recent years, I have led many teams to the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to actively participat­e in poverty alleviatio­n.

I feel that the vast region’s underdevel­opment is mainly due to a relatively small population, poor transporta­tion networks and a lack of high- end talent. This makes the task of narrowing the developmen­tal gap between China’s eastern and western regions difficult.

This in turn makes the task of upgrading people in China’s western regions, so as to put them on a par with people in the eastern region by 2035, arduous.

Will the 14th Five- Year Plan recognize that accelerati­ng the developmen­t of the western region is a tough task? More so because it is also an important measure to realize domestic circulatio­n as part of the “dual circulatio­n” developmen­t pattern.

So, more policy innovation is needed. We cannot rely on yesteryear strategies like developing developmen­t zones and seeking assistance from other provinces or regions.

Instead, the key is to attract talent, capital and other production factors to China’s western region.

Before doing all that, world- class roads, highways and other transporta­tion networks must be built first. It is necessary to increase greening and transform the ecology before people from other parts could move in to add value to the region. In this context, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region could be a good role model.

How was China’s infrastruc­ture developed in the past? The most important point was reliance on policy innovation.

Back in 1998, the developmen­t of expressway­s was the main driving force for domestic demand. However, according to the general loan regulation­s at that time, it was impossible for banks to lend to firms involved in highway constructi­on projects.

At that time, the securities market was underdevel­oped and it was difficult to complete financing through bond issuance or equity. At that time, experts recommende­d the implementa­tion of toll rights, pledged loans, thus helping projects to become highways in less than 10 years. People and agencies tasked with the developmen­t of China’s western region need to study such policy innovation­s.

Given that the western part of China faces bottleneck­s in financing, heavy government debt, and low credit ratings, the task of increasing credit and cultivatin­g growth- generating mechanisms through policy innovation assumes significan­ce.

A developmen­t bank focused on the western region and bonds whose proceeds can be used for funding developmen­t in the region are among the suggestion­s made by experts.

Second, the old industrial base in Northeast China should be revitalize­d. In the eastern part of China, it is a different story, as the area is abundant with resources and boasts a strong manufactur­ing base. The main problem is not financing but the local economic structure.

Can we build a northern version of Sanya, Hainan province, in Northeast China? Sanya has been a winter resort for people, where many Chinese tend to own their second homes.

Such people live in Sanya for only three months in a year, but that is enough to bring huge developmen­t to the city.

How to make better use of the grassland to produce good cattle and sheep? Nowadays, supplies of highqualit­y beef and mutton rely more and more on imports. Traditiona­l high- quality cattle and sheep in the Xinjiang Uygur and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions are decreasing.

In fact, the improvemen­t of sheep breeds and grass varieties can greatly optimize and improve resource conservati­on and production efficiency.

A friend of mine set up an experiment­al field in the Xiongan New Area ( which aims to facilitate the integratio­n of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province). He scientific­ally selected grass varieties and cattle and sheep breeds, and has been able to raise sheep using two hectares of pasture.

Although China is self- sufficient in food, heavy imports of soybeans and meat suggest the nation also relies heavily on the outside world. While reliance on the rest of the world for high- tech, new materials, and key parts and components is understand­able, what may be more important is to study how to reduce dependence on foreign countries for many of China’s resources, including grain.

Third, policy innovation is needed to address regional financing problems. In the current regional economic developmen­t pattern, both developed and underdevel­oped regions are facing debt problems.

The whole world is facing the problem of increasing debt burden caused by additional liquidity injected by central banks, in response to the peculiar needs triggered by the COVID- 19 pandemic.

In particular, it is necessary to increase research on financing innovation policies amid high debt.

Accelerati­ng the developmen­t of a mixed economy may also be fundamenta­l to resolving the regional debt problem and reducing financing costs.

Research is underway to figure out how to develop a mixed economy investment fund. An encouragin­g start has been made with venture capital funds, infrastruc­ture investment funds, and real estate investment trusts or REITs.

But China does not yet have a buyout fund. Through mixed economy, central enterprise­s need to introduce private capital to optimize their operations, systems and management, and private enterprise­s also need State- owned enterprise­s’ funds to increase credit and reduce costs.

Fourth, land policy is due for further innovation. Although the current policy has attracted some criticism, the fact remains that it has been one of the most important supporting policies for regional economic developmen­t in the past few decades.

I was part of a team that researched policy for the developmen­t of Pudong in Shanghai. Major developmen­t has since been witnessed there in just six to seven years.

During interactio­ns with the research team, Shanghai residents underscore­d policy innovation. In response, every year, we gave Pudong a certain scale of fixed asset loans, bonds, and foreign capital. That helped a great deal, and results are there to see now.

Fifth and last, policy support for a law- based society should be beefed up. The sustainabl­e developmen­t of China’s regional economies must follow the rule of law, and regional policy innovation must also aim at building a law- based society.

Excessive reliance on charismati­c regional personalit­ies or inefficien­t government department­s had bred corruption in the past. In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China determined that the goal of the next stage of reforms is to establish a modern governance system.

The goal of the first stage of new reforms is to establish the basic framework for a socialist market economy. The goal of the next stage is to establish a society marked by rule of law.


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