



Our gallery of the people, places and exhibition­s to see this month



OWNING A COUPLE of million- dollar artworks is par for the course if you’re a Southeast Asian tycoon. Indonesian petroleum trading and property magnate Haryanto Adikoesoem­o has gone one step further: opening his own art museum. The Museum of Modern and Contempora­ry Art in Nusantara (Macan), in newly anointed arts hub Jakarta, will exhibit around 800 pieces of Eastern and Western art – including works by Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons and prolific Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s 2014 work Infinity Mirrored Room – Brilliance of the Souls (pictured). museummaca­ 如果你是東南亞的鉅富,擁有幾件價值百萬元的­藝術品,絕不令人感到意外。印尼石油易地貿 及 產業大亨翁瑋光更層則 上 樓,不單收藏藝術品,更開設自家的努桑塔拉­現當代藝術博物(稱館簡 Macan)。這座藝術博物館位近於 年成為藝術樞紐的雅加­達,將展出約800件東與­方 西方的藝術品,包括Andy Warhol與Jef­f Koons的作品,以及多產的日本藝術家­草間彌生2014年品­的作 《Infinity Mirrored Room – Brilliance of the Souls》(上圖)等。museummaca­

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