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The Mills Gallery, Hong Kong Until 9 January


Inaugurate­d last November, The Mills Gallery is merely the beginning of a multi-faceted, non-profit arts project intended to be completed in 2018. The gallery kicks off with a solo exhibition by local artist Leung Chi-wo, who explores the themes of memory and history with installati­ons created from modified old furniture and film. | 去年11月開幕的Th­e Mills Gallery只是預­計2018年完成的多­面非弁利藝術項目之始。藝廊由本地藝術家梁志­和的個人展揭起序幕,透過經修飾的舊傢具和­電影,探索回憶和歷史裝置的­主題。THEMILLS.COM.HK

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