Banking Frontiers

RBI sets up fund to improve digital payments systems


The Reserve Bank of India has set up a Payment Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Fund (PIFD) with `5 billion corpus to improve and support the developmen­t of the digital payments ecosystem in the northeast and rural districts in India. The initial contributi­on of `2.5 billion to the fund has been made by the central bank while the other half of the fund is expected to be contribute­d by all card-issuing banks and the network operators. The fund will be governed through an advisory council and it will be administer­ed and managed by the RBI. PIFD will have the objective of encouragin­g acquirers to deploy PoS infrastruc­ture in both the digital and physical modes in tier-3 to tier-6 centers and northeaste­rn states.

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