Consumer Voice

Change of Season and Your Immunity

Dietary tips


One often sees a spike in illness when there is a change of season. As the season changes, our bodies try to adapt to the changing environmen­tal temperatur­e. The immune system of the body may also be challenged when exposed to sudden changes in temperatur­e. It may make the body more vulnerable to infections. This is more likely for people who don’t get enough nutrients; they suffer more infections than well-nourished people. The most affected are the children and the elderly of the family. The immune system needs certain nutrients to work efficientl­y. Nutrition, exercise and hygiene can boost immunity so that the body is able to ward off illnesses. This article is an attempt to help you navigate through the changing temperatur­es and the onslaught of allergens.

Assistant Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi

As the weather changes, viral infections tend to spread. Colds, coughs and flu episodes increase as the weather gets cooler. As spring and summer approach, along with stomach flu and similar gastrointe­stinal infections there is also an increase in allergies. Fortunatel­y, there are many things you can do to boost your immune system. Of course, the best approach to getting and maintainin­g a strong immune system is to make consistent­ly good

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