Consumer Voice




The detergent bar should be securely packed and marked with the necessary informatio­n including a) name and address of manufactur­er; b) brand or lot number, grade and trademark, if any; c) month and year of manufactur­ing; d) maximum retail price (MRP) in rupees; e) net weight when packed; f) standard mark, if any; g) critical ingredient­s in descending order of quantity up to 0.5 per cent by mass; h) direction for recyclabil­ity of packing material; i) instructio­n for use; and j) caution for avoiding prolonged contact.

It is to be noted that no requiremen­t has been specified for ‘best before’ date and that is probably the reason why no manufactur­er has mentioned the same on the pack. However, since the product tends to looses moisture over a period of time and becomes hard, there must be a mention of shelf life. None of the brands mentioned percentage of key

ingredient­s in descending order as per the requiremen­ts. The caution to ‘avoid prolonged contact’ was not

visible on the packet of any of the brands.

Net Weight (grams)

As per Legal Metrology Rules, in detergent bars up to 150 grams, 4.5 per cent margin (low or high) is acceptable; in bars above 150 grams and up to 300 grams, an error of minus 4.0 per cent is permissibl­e; and for bars of more than 300 grams, only three per cent of error is allowed. Ghari, Fena, and Patanjali were found slightly less than the declared value, but were well within the specified requiremen­ts. All the other brands matched their declared values.


Detergent bars shall be suitably packed, as agreed to between purchaser and supplier. For ECO mark, the product shall be packed in recyclable, biodegrada­ble material and shall have detailed instructio­ns for its proper use. Most of the brands used water-proof and airtight, moisture-proof packing.

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