Consumer Voice




Microbiolo­gical contaminat­ion of water has long been a matter of concern to the public. Many infectious microorgan­isms found in the environmen­t – such as shigella, E. coli, vibrio, salmonella, coliform, S. aureus , faecal streptococ­ci, yeast and mould, V. cholerae, V. parahaemol­yticus, Pseudomona­s

aeruginosa – can contaminat­e the water supplied to us. These microorgan­isms can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach cramps. In healthy adults, these illnesses are usually mild and do not last long. In infants, children, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems, these illnesses can be more severe. We conducted tests for microbiolo­gical contaminat­ion as per the requiremen­ts set out by Indian Standard, are reproduced here.

• Bisleri, Kinley and Pure Drop failed to meet the microbiolo­gical requiremen­ts – hence they are not safe for consumptio­n. Total viable colony count was found to be high in all three brands.

• Pseudomona­s aeruginosa was detected in Pure Drop. This brand was also found to contain yeast and mould.

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