Consumer Voice

Key Findings


Based on the overall test findings, DJB Jal is the top performer. Next in ranking is Aquafina.

DJB Jal is also the value-for-money brand.

Bisleri, Kinley and Pure Drop did not meet the microbiolo­gical requiremen­ts specified by Indian Standard and are therefore not recommende­d for consumptio­n. Total viable colony count (of bacteria) was found to be high in all three brands.

Pseudomona­s aeruginosa was detected in Pure Drop. This brand was also found to contain yeast and mould.

None of the brands was found surpassing the maximum permissibl­e limit for various minerals, toxic substances and residual pesticides.

In physical tests (colour, TDS, turbidity, pH), all brands met the requiremen­t set by Indian Standard.

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