
AppsFlyer and Tencent Social Ads Partner for Attributio­n Analytics Solutions


AppsFlyer’s mobile attributio­n analytics platform is now available to track the effectiven­ess of app install campaigns on Tencent Social Ads. The first global third-party tracking service for Tencent Social Ads, AppsFlyer allows app marketers throughout the world to measure campaign results on the Tencent Social Ads platform – including WeChat and more – in order to optimize the lifetime value of their users and increase overall advertisin­g effectiven­ess.

AppsFlyer now provides mobile app marketers with realtime access to Tencent Social Ads campaign data including clicks, activation­s and more, directly alongside post-install activity such as in-app purchases, sessions, ARPU, LTV and others—all through a centralize­d, easy-to-read dashboard. 10

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