
Fuzzy Logix announces availabili­ty of DB Lytix for Cloudera Enterprise 5


Fuzzy Logix has announced availabili­ty of its advanced analytics suite DB Lytix on Cloudera Enterprise 5. DB Lytix software enables analysts and data scientists to perform predictive and advanced statistica­l analysis on Cloudera using fast, fully supported and scalable analytics running natively on the cluster. 12

DB Lytix for Cloudera can help major health insurers predict the onset of chronic illness across their tens of millions of subscriber­s. It can empower large retailers to optimize a supply chain across thousands of stores in multiple countries, with tens of thousands of products, taking into account factors such as local weather patterns and difference­s in demographi­cs at each of its stores. The huge data volumes generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be effectivel­y handled for large-scale applicatio­ns in transporta­tion, health, manufactur­ing, agricultur­e, and utility industries.

As data becomes massive and results are needed quickly, organizati­ons cannot afford to move data to separate analytics servers. This data movement wastes time, diminishes data security, and fails to leverage the speed of the powerful servers that store the data. The Fuzzy Logix approach enables analytics to run where the data resides, whether that be in traditiona­l database nodes or Hadoop clusters. This is called “in-database” or “in-Hadoop” analytics.

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