Deccan Chronicle

God gives in abundance

- Sadguru Rameshji

Once, a small child went to a shop with his mother. While the mother was shopping, the shopkeeper asked the child to take chocolates from the bottle placed nearby on the cash counter. The child did not react, did not move from his place and did not take any chocolate. The shopkeeper was surprised. He once again asked the child to take as many chocolates as he wants.

Now, the mother also heard and said, “Take the sweets dear as uncle is asking you to take!” Again the child didn’t take any sweets.

The shopkeeper gave it to the child.

The child was happy to get sweets.

While returning home the mother asked the child, “Why didn’t you take sweets, when the then shopkeeper told you to take?” The child replied, “Mom! My hands are very small and if I would have taken the sweets myself, I could have taken few. But now you see, when uncle gave me sweets, he gave me with his big hands and because of that I got many more sweets!”

When we ask or take we may get little because of our restricted capabiliti­es but when God gives, he gives us plenty, bountiful, abundant and beyond our expectatio­ns. Sometimes, even more than what we can hold. One should surrender to the will of God and accept whatever he gives with gratitude and joy. Sadguru Rameshji is a modern age spiritual guru and founder of Poorna Ananda, a centre for spiritual evolution and joyful living. Visit www.poornaanan­

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