Deccan Chronicle



Across 1 Choose — choice (6) 4 Golfer’s assistant (6) 9 Use up resources of (7) 10 Procreate (5) 11 Stratum (5) 12 Children’s game (7) 13 Form of alternativ­e medicine (11) 18 Painstakin­g (7) 20 Scoundrel (5) 22 Vaulted (5) 23 Begin to deal with (2,5) 24 Malodorous (6) 25 Doctrine at odds with orthodoxy (6) Down 1 Rider’s seat (6) 2 Pert — cosmetic (informal) (5) 3 Free from confusion — tidy (5,2) 5 Prepare-to-stop signal (5) 6 Inhabitant (7) 7 First-born (6) 8 Nomenclatu­re (11) 14 Body of dead meat

(7) 15 Caterer (anag) (7) 16 Weighing instrument (6) 17 With dexterity (6) 19 Calamitous (5) 21 Small woodland (5)

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