Deccan Chronicle

City sizzles at 40°C, highest in month


The city’s day temperatur­e was close to 40 degrees C on Saturday, when it recorded 39.8 degrees as maximum temperatur­e.

This is the highest recorded in this month. Adilabad with 41 degrees recorded the highest temperatur­e in Telangana and Kurnool 41.1 in Andhra Pradesh.

Forecast for both the

states: dry weather is likely to prevail; maximum temperatur­es likely to be above normal by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, the upper air cyclonic circulatio­n over North Interior Karnataka & its neighbourh­ood now extends up to 1.5km above the mean sea level.

Yesterday’s trough in lower level easterlies from north Kerala to Telangana across Interior Karnataka at 1.5km above mean sea level has become less marked.

The disturbanc­e will not drop the temperatur­es in both the states.

Forecast for TS, AP: Dry weather is likely to prevail.

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