Deccan Chronicle



Seeing pictures of food with calorie informatio­n appears to change the way your brain responds to the food, a study has found.

■ When food images appeared with the calorie content, the brain showed decreased activation of the reward system.

■ The study is first of its kind to examine how your brain makes food choices when calorie informatio­n is presented.

■ While dieters and non-dieters alike rated calorie-labelled foods as less appetising, this effect was strongest among dieters.

■ In other words, foods that you might otherwise be inclined to eat became less desirable once the calorie content was displayed.

■ Researcher­s analysed responses in two brain regions: the nucleus accumbens and orbitofron­tal cortex.

■ Study published in PLOS ONE suggests that dieters may consider calorie informatio­n even when it isn't explicitly present.

■ Kristina Rapuano, a Dartmout College student, says in order to motivate people to make healthier food choices, policy changes are needed.

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