Deccan Chronicle

Drugs not just in Bollywood

- — Mahendra Kumawat, formerIPSo­fficer


While the most common types of drugs include marijuana, heroin, cocaine, lysergic acid diethylami­de (LSD) and crystal meth, there is a growing interest in cannabidio­l (CBD) oil, a product that’s derived from cannabis.

However, CBD oil does not contain the psychoacti­ve component of cannabis — delta-9-tetrahydro­cannabinol (THC). In fact, CBD oil, which is available over the counter, has several purported benefits, including the management of anxiety and pain, and is sold in various forms including gels, gummies, oils, supplement­s and extracts.

While stating that in some countries around the world, such as the US, doctors need to take special licenses to prescribe medical marijuana for treating pain and other symptoms such as nausea and seizures Dr Siva Harsha Yedlapati points out that sadly most people using drugs such as weed, heroin, marijuana, opium, cocaine and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) crystals do it more for enjoyment and less for medical reasons. “Even ephedrine, a prescripti­on stimulant used in cough syrups, is often abused for its performanc­e-enhancing effects and to make ecstasy pills,” adds the doctor.


Drug Recognitio­n Experts (DREs) classify drugs under any one of the seven categories: central nervous system (CNS) depressant­s, CNS stimulants, hallucinog­ens, d i s s o c i a t i ve anaestheti­cs, narcotic analge s ic s , inhalants a n d cannabis. “People use club drug s such as MDMA , GHB, rohypnol, and ketamine at rave and dance parties to enhance their sensory experience,” explains Dr Yedlapati. “These drugs are also popular people because they are cheap and easily accessible. Hallucinog­enic drugs such as LSD, which evaporate in sunlight, are


Cannabis is illegal in India. It is, neverthele­ss, remarkably prevalent across the social and spiritual landscapes of India. Shubira Prasad, author of The DemonsofJa­itraya, says, “Sadhus denounce everything in life to become sadhus with the social norms normally applicable to the common man being inapplicab­le to them. And unless the sadhu gets involved in heinous activities, the law also looks the other way. In the case of sadhus of certain sects (who are a minority), the consumptio­n of cannabis or other intoxicati­ng herbs finds its justificat­ion in their being the followers of Lord Shiva, whom Hindu mythology portrays as a cannabis consumer. However, the herbs consumed by sadhus have very short-term effects and do not make them aggressive. In fact, these sadhus believe the cannabis they smoke up helps them in transcende­ntal meditation. India, being a deeply religious country, ignores the practice of sadhus taking cannabis or other such herbs because they claim it helps them reach their higher entity and to achieve moksha.”


In many parts of India, local drugs such as marijuana and opium are widely consumed on the occasion of festivals and some family functions. Enforcemen­t agencies should primarily focus their attention on big drug cartels widely used among the artists and other crew members in the film industry.”

The doctor also talks about how a drug called Adderall, prescribed for weight loss, to help stay awake during exams and for high performanc­e can be abused especially in image-conscious societies. “Public figures looking for a quick and easy way to stay thin use Adderall in uncontroll­ed manners and thus are getting addicted to it,” elaborates the doctor, adding that the weight loss happens basically because the prescribed drug, which is used for treating ADHD and narcolepsy, kills the appetite. “Patients under supervisio­n can be given these drugs for a certain period. But such intake is very unlike that of the addiction that forms in unsupervis­ed cases.”

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