Down to Earth

Bird flu has spread to over 35 countries


The rapid spread of Avian Influenza across the globe has taken the world by storm. The World Organizati­on for Animal Health declared that highly pathogenic strains of avian flu or bird flu have spread to over 35 countries since early 2014 Avian influenza is an infectious viral disease that affects birds, often without any external symptoms. The virus is known to undergo genetic modificati­ons or swap genes and achieve the ability to cross species barriers, enabling it to affect mammals The total number of cases in humans so far stands at 840 across 16 countries. Of these, 447 cases were fatal. The majority of new cases have been detected in Egypt In India, outbreaks have been reported in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisga­rh, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur since the beginning of the year. Fortunatel­y, no cases of human infection have been detected yet

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