Down to Earth

Freeze frame

A growing number of the elite are freezing their bodies in the hope for a rebirth. Is it possible?


A growing number of the elite are freezing their bodies in hope of a rebirth

IN A historic and unusual verdict last month, a high court in London granted a terminally ill teenage girl her wish to be frozen post-mortem in the hope that medical advances might revive her in the future. The girl had petitioned the court, as her estranged father was opposed to the idea. The court gave the mother the final say in deference to the teenager’s wishes.

The girl’s dead body was immediatel­y shipped to the US and frozen at the Cryonics Institute in Detroit, one of only four places in the world that offer to cryopreser­ve the dead—three are in the US and one in Russia. Since 1967, when the first person was pickled in liquid nitrogen, 250 futurists have been frozen, while about 1,500 are in the queue.

While some might sympathise with the girl’s decision to be mummified, what are the odds that a frozen body, especially the brain—bodies are hung upside down so that the brain is affected the last should the nitrogen oxygen leak—could be defrosted and revived without damaging the structural integrity of the neurons?

Cryogenics or preservati­on of body parts in extremely low temperatur­es is neither new nor controvers­ial. Eggs, sperms and embryos are now routinely frozen and thawed for infertilit­y treatments. This is possible,thanks to a technology called vitrificat­ion that allows cells to be frozen without damaging them with the help of some anti-freeze materials. However, making it work for whole bodies or even brains is a fantasy that many believe is very unlikely to come true.

Neverthele­ss, the proponents of cryonics believe that one day it might be possible, with techniques of molecular nanotechno­logy,to revive frozen zombies by decoding and reconstruc­ting the complex network of neurons and their interactio­ns that determine an individual’s persona— her thoughts, memories and desires. In fact, American inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil has stuck his neck out by claiming that scientists would be able to simulate a person’s mind and download into a computer by 2030.

For some, even this claim would be fantastica­lly ridiculous if it were not fraudulent too. In a 2015 article, “The False Science of Cryonics” published in the MIT Technology Review, neuroscien­tist Michael Hendricks of McGill University, who works on less evolved species like the microscopi­c roundworm Caenorhabd­itis elegans, argues that despite the fact that we know all of its genes (about 1,000) and have mapped its 302 neurons, we still can’t “simulate the mind of this worm.” Incidental­ly, the human brain is an orchestra of 100 billion neurons! “The technology to do so,let alone the ability to read this informatio­n back out of such a specimen, does not yet exist even in principle. It is this purposeful conflation of what is theoretica­lly conceivabl­e with what is ever practicall­y possible that exploits people’s vulnerabil­ity,”he writes.

Even if it were to become possible to simulate/download the mind, will it be really you? Assuming that the subjective “I” is a gestalt of the innumerabl­e interactio­ns between the neurons, would it remain the same “I” in a time and space removed many times over? Thinkers of Hendricks’ persuasion believe that it is counterint­uitive, and hence, unlikely that it would be “you”who would come back to life.

Besides, cryonics also raises a host of moral, philosophi­cal, and, not to say, financial dilemmas. The girl’s father, who has condemned cryonicist­s for “selling false hope,” was worried about her feeling totally disoriente­d in a future sans anyone whom she may have known. In a similar vein, James Hughes, head of the Connecticu­t-based Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologi­es, backs cryonics yet will not sign up for it as,to quote him,“I value my relationsh­ip with my wife.”

Money matters too. It cost the girl’s mother about 40,000 pounds, which she reportedly rustled together by selling off property, to have her frozen. Clearly, cryonics, like immortalit­y, is a fantasy entertaine­d by the elite for only for they can afford the luxury of longing for another life. For others, it doesn’t make sense to gamble modest earnings on Pascal’s wager. They would be better off spending it on making the present joyous and beautiful.


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