Down to Earth



How cyclical mode of developmen­t collapsed in Sukhomajri

1970s: 95% land degraded; crop yield during rabi and kharif is 562,000 kg; groundwate­r is at 121 metres below the ground level (mbgl); milk yield 248 litres/day; household income `10,000/year Q Watershed management starts in 1976; four dams built by 1985 Q People agree to protect conservati­on structures in return for dam water

1980s: Water users' society formed in 1979; renamed HRMS in 1983. It manages forest and water resources; levies a nominal fee on dam water users, sells

bhabbar grass, leases ponds for piscicultu­re; earns a profit of `43,800 in 1986; spends the earning on maintenanc­e of dams and irrigation channels and on village developmen­t programmes Q Sukhomajri becomes India's first village to pay income tax Q Production of bhabbar and food crops doubles; milk production increases to 658 litres/day; household income rises to `15,000/year

1990s: HRMS earns a profit of `68,800 in 1990; it increases to `1.7 lakh in 1996 Q Forest splits following conflict with neighbouri­ng Dhamala village over

bhabbar grass Q Three dams fall into disuse by 1997 Q HRMS earnings halve in 1998 after the forest department claims 55% stake on the revenue earned Q Household income rises to `40,000/ year; groundwate­r level to 42 mbgl; milk yield to 995 litres/day; and crop yield to 4.2 million kg in 1999-2000

2000s: Revenue from forest, water dries up; no meetings of HRMS since 2005-06; borewells gain ground

Q Groundwate­r level dips to 55 mbgl. Milk yield continues to rise. Household income also increases to `60,000/year

2010s: HUDA approaches people for land in 2012; acquires about 32 ha Q Fourth dam stops working; crop yield reduces to 600 kg (2016); people prefer dairy, work in brick kilns in towns; household income `1.08 lakh/year

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