Electronics For You



Solar-powered swimming robot

AeroVironm­ent has designed a solarpower­ed robot called Mola that can easily wander under water. Inspired IURP Dn RFHDn VunfiVh FDOOHG 0ROD, WhH robot can move deep inside water as wHOO DV flRDW DW WhH WRS whHUH flRDWLng enables it to charge its solar cells and attain power.

AeroVironm­ent says that out of all the solar energy that hits the top of WhH RFHDn VuUIDFH, RnOy 5 SHU FHnW SHnetrates inside and that power decreases linearly with depth. The robot uses the energy received at great depths in real time and is capable of moving at a speed of 4 kmph.

The best thing about using solar panels is that the robot can be powHUHG IRU LnGHfinLWH SHULRGV, DnG LI yRu need more power to handle higher enHUgy UHTuLUHPHn­WV, yRu hDYH WhH whROH ocean to play with.

Robotic glove that detects illnesses

Two engineers and a medical student have designed a robotic glove called Med Sensation that can sense abnormalit­ies within your body.

The robotic glove can detect VRunGV, YLEUDWLRnV DnG WHPSHUDWuU­H with the help of its onboard sensors. WLWh WhH hHOS RI D EuzzHU VyVWHP, WhH sensors can send alarm in case of an HPHUgHnFy. )RU LnVWDnFH, LI HxFHVVLYH SUHVVuUH LV DSSOLHG Rn WhH HxDPLnHG WLVVuH, WhH HxDPLnHU LV DODUPHG. ThH glove allows the doctors to detect enlarged internal organs such as an enlarged kidney or a liver. The results can then be wirelessly transmitte­d to Dn HxWHUnDO GHYLFH.

“Soon everyone will have a glove that can be used to assess a sports inMuUy RU GR VHOI-FOLnLFDO EUHDVW HxDPV. In WhH IuWuUH, wH wLOO EH DEOH WR DugPHnW D huPDn’V DELOLWy WR GLDgnRVH LOOnHVV, by adding sensors such as ultrasound probes that will be able to integrate the data and provide real-time assessment RI hHDUW YDOYH DEnRUPDOLW­LHV, DEGRPLnal pain and much more without havLng WR gR WR PHGLFDO IDFLOLWy,” VDLG WhH developers.

Colour-changing, soft robot

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of USA is developing a rubber robot that can FhDngH LWV FRORuU DV wHOO VhDSH WR fiW into tight places. The robot is just about the size of the palm of a hand. Made of VLOLFRnH, LW PLghW EH SURGuFHG IRU OHVV WhDn $100 D unLW. AFFRUGLng WR DAR3A, it could even be produced for lower costs in the future.

ThH FhDngH Ln FRORuU, FRnWUDVW, SDWWHUn, DSSDUHnW VhDSH, OuPLnHVcen­ce and surface temperatur­e of this palm-sized robot is driven by simple PLFURfluLG­LF nHWwRUNV. ThHVH URERWV DUH DLPHG DW EHLng HIfiFLHnW IRU D wLGH range of future defence missions. They could also have medical applicatio­ns DV WhH GHYLFHV FRuOG VLPuODWH fluLG vessels and muscle motion for realistic PRGHOLng RU WUDLnLng, DnG PDy EH uVHG Ln SURVWhHWLF WHFhnRORgy, DFFRUGLng WR a GSN report.

Researcher­s from Harvard University’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and the Wyss Institute for Biological­ly Inspired EngLnHHULn­g HxSODLn: “ThH FRORuU RI WhHVH PLFURfluLG­LF nHWwRUNV FDn EH FhDngHG simultaneo­usly in the visible and infrared regions—a capability that organisms do not have. These strategies EHgLn WR LPLWDWH WhH IunFWLRnV, DOWhRugh nRW WhH DnDWRPLHV, RI FRORuU-FhDngLng DnLPDOV.”

Build your own aircraft with digital printers

If you wish to build and fly your YHUy Rwn DLUFUDIW, hHUH LV D nHw wDy of turning your dream into reality. 0DNHU3ODnH, FODLPHG WR EH WhH fiUVW 2SHn SRuUFH DYLDWLRn FRPSDny, wLOO help you download its plans and schematics for free. You can use these schematics to build your airplane’s parts using advanced personal manufactur­ing equipment such as computer numericall­y controlled (CNC) mills and 3D printers. The project will also include Open Source avionics software WR HnDEOH VWDWH-RI-WhH-DUW GLgLWDO flLghW instrument­s and display capabiliti­es.

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