Harper's Bazaar (India)

The PerfecT Hair Diet

While products in your vanity case provide the hair with gloss and shine, it’s what’s on your plate that matters most. By Aparna Gupta


Just too,” like says any celebrity other cells nutritioni­st in your body, Pooja hair Makhija, follicles need author nutrition of the diet book Eat.Delete. And while skin betrays signs of a bad diet within days, hair takes months for the effects to show. So give your mane a boost from within, with these essentials.

PROTEIN FOR STRENGTH Our body converts standard proteins into keratin to make hair, skin, and nails. A European study published in the journal Biology

of Reproducti­on, found that soy protein reinforces hair and stimulates growth—in the study, hair growth increased by 15 percent.

THE DAILY PLATE: Two to three servings of proteins every day, consisting of two egg whites, or one palm-sized portion of chicken, or a bowl of pulses, tofu, sprouts, and low-fat cottage cheese or milk.

EFAS FOR HYDRATION Our bodies can’t make Essential Fatty Acids, but about three percent of the hair shaft is made up of these. Omega-3s, a type of EFA, are also found in cell membranes, in your scalp, and in the natural oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. In fact, babies siphon out EFAs from the mother to develop the eyes, brain, skin, and hair.

THE DAILY PLATE: Two tablespoon­s of ground flaxseeds, or two capsules of fish oil daily.

SILICA FORTEXTURE Due to its ability to maintain collagen, silica helps nurture the skin’s elasticity and keeps hair lustrous. Silica has been proven to improve hair texture, prevent split ends, and accelerate hair growth. It is also used in skin and hair care products, to provide gloss and softness.

THE DAILY PLATE: Makhija suggests three to four servings of vegetables such as bean sprouts, beets, broccoli, leafy greens, carrots, mint, radish, cucumber, and red and green peppers. One serving size is a cup of salad or half a cup of cooked veggies.

BIOTINTO RENEW Also referred as vitamin H, this plays a major role in the overall health of hair, skin, and nails. It renews hair follicles, resulting in thicker growth. It is the first line of defence that is suggested by doctors against hair fall. VITAMIN B12 FOR GROWTH “Hair follicles require oxygen just like the rest of your body, and a shortage of B12 prevents red blood cells from being properly formed, which prevents follicles from receiving nutrients,” explains Mumbaibase­d cosmetic dermatolog­ist Dr Rashmi Shetty. Vegetarian­s and specifical­ly vegans require B12 supplement­s.

THE DAILY PLATE: Two cups of yogurt per day.

IRON FOR HAIR LOSS Iron helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles—anaemia is a major cause of hair loss, particular­ly in women. A worldwide team of Cleveland Clinic experts reported that the treatment of iron deficiency, through diet or supplement­s, may help renew hair growth.

THE DAILY PLATE: Two ounces of cooked organ meat, or 10 prunes per day. An intake of vitamin C will enhance its absorption.

VITAMINA FORTHE SCALP It helps produce healthy sebum, which keeps hair from drying and breaking. It is also an antioxidan­t to fight against damage.

THE DAILY PLATE: One medium sized carrot with a bowl of

salad with greens.

COPPERTO PREVENT GREYING An inadequate intake of copper can cause hair loss and thinning. Copper is also believed by experts to intensify hair colour and delay greying of hair.

THE DAILY PLATE: A square piece of more than 70 percent dark chocolate a day, sunflower seeds, or Tahini.

 ??  ?? THE DAILY PLATE: Two boiled eggs. Vegetarian­s can get it from Brewer’s yeast, brown rice, almonds, walnuts, and carrots.
THE DAILY PLATE: Two boiled eggs. Vegetarian­s can get it from Brewer’s yeast, brown rice, almonds, walnuts, and carrots.

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