Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Kanye rants his way into US presidenti­al race


WASHINGTON : In his first rally for his last-minute presidenti­al campaign, US rapper Kanye West ranted against historical figure Harriet Tubman, saying the undergroun­d Railroad conductor “never actually freed the slaves, she just had them work for other white people”.

His comments on Sunday drew shouts of opposition from some in the crowd in South Carolina, where he also spoke against abortion and pornograph­y, and at one point broke down in tears.

West, 43, a former supporter of Presidentd­onaldtrump, hasleft voters befuddled over whether his campaign is genuine or a publicity stunt to help sell albums or merchandis­e. He delivered his rambling remarks during the event at a Charleston wedding venue and convention centre.

In remarks that lasted just over an hour, he swore, called on random members to speak, appeared to be putting forward policy proposals on the fly, and made comments that left even those in attendance in disbelief.

“Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves. She just had the slaves work for other white people,” he said when discussing economic inequality.

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