Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

India an unpreceden­ted story of success, but challenges remain

73 YEARS ON From maintainin­g territoria­l integrity to ensuring social justice, India has succeeded in fulfilling many of the promises of its founding fathers. However, it also faces challenges that threaten to take the shine off its triumphs

- Prashant Jha

NEWDELHI: When India became Independen­t, there was joy. A long freedom struggle and the sacrifice of millions, over decades, finally led to self-rule — and what a remarkable journey it was , under the leadership of the Mahatma, for in striving for its own freedom, India showed the world the path of non-violent resistance. Indians would, finally, have the sovereign right to decide their own destiny — its Independen­ce also inspired freedom struggles, especially in Africa, inaugurati­ng an era of decolonisa­tion across the world.

But along with the joy, there was a clear recognitio­n that Independen­ce came with tremendous challenges and responsibi­lities.

For one, the task of maintainin­g national unity, sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity — in the wake of Partition — became even more critical. Foreign observers were sceptical about India’s ability to remain free and united, especially given its diversity and internal lack of political and administra­tive coherence.

But it was not just the challenge of remaining sovereign. The vision of the freedom movement did not confine itself to merely displacing a set of foreign rulers and replacing them with a set of domestic elites. The movement was not nativist, but democratic in character. Sovereignt­y was to reside with the people. Those who governed would do so with the consent of the people. And that is why nurturing representa­tive democracy, creating a set of democratic institutio­ns in a society with deep inequaliti­es, and ensuring that freedom for the nation translated into freedom for citizens was the cornerston­e of the Indian project. This, then, was the second challenge.

But what was the objective of unity, sovereignt­y and democracy? Given India’s deprivatio­n, the overwhelmi­ng poverty, the inequaliti­es that permeated every sphere, Independen­ce had to mean socioecono­mic justice. Political rights had to be accompanie­d with social and economic rights. And the State had to shape society and battle social ills. The quest for prosperity and justice constitute­d the third challenge.

But all of this hinged on a fourth challenge. Given India’s breathtaki­ng diversity, its entrenched caste hierarchie­s, and also its deep intercommu­nity divisions, especially Hindu-muslim tensions, social harmony, peace and the accommodat­ion of all groups was central to moving India forward.

Would India be united and sovereign, democratic and free, just and equitable, harmonious and diverse? This was the fundamenta­l challenge presented by India’s Independen­ce. And 73 years later, the Indian project must be judged on this metric.


For India, territoria­l integrity was sacrosanct. This is true for all nation-states, but in India’s case, the wounds of the past and Partition led to even greater determinat­ion. The territory that was India’s, through bonds of civilisati­on, history, geography, law and culture, would not be allowed to fragment.

India faced repeated challenges to its integrity — be it through Pakistan’s incursion into Kashmir in 1948 itself, the

Chinese offensive in 1962, Pakistan’s attempts to marry external aggression with a sponsored internal rebellion in 1965, its patronage to terror for the last three decades and its silent conspiracy in Kargil in 1999, secessioni­st movements in various parts of the country, or China’s current aggression in Ladakh.

These territoria­l challenges — including the current one — have constitute­d a threat. But each time, India fought back. It may not, today, have all the areas it considers its own (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin being the most prominent ones), but the fact that India has remained united, that no secessioni­st movement has succeeded, that Indian citizens in every corner feel integrated with the national project, is an extraordin­ary achievemen­t.

But along with unity, there was sovereignt­y. India was wounded by foreign invasions. And its leadership was clear that it would not entertain any external interventi­on in its internal decision making process. This post-colonial psychologi­cal imprint has been so strong that not only did it refuse to join any Cold War bloc by remaining non-aligned, but even today, speaks of strategic autonomy, selfrelian­ce, and not entering any alliance system. To be sure, in an interconne­cted, globalised world, there is give and take; absolute sovereignt­y is a myth. But for most part, India has preserved its right to

take its own decisions.

73 years later, it is clear that India has the intent and capacity and track record to resist any attempts to redraw the map of the subcontine­nt. But as geopolitic­s shifts, it must be ready for challenges to its unity and sovereignt­y, directly and indirectly.


To institutio­nalise the principle that the people were sovereign, India instituted — and has successful­ly implemente­d — the principles of democracy. Periodic elections have allowed citizens to choose their representa­tives. Independen­t institutio­ns — the Election Commission, an independen­t judiciary, a free press — have ensured that there is a check on executive power. There is a federal structure with clearly defined division of powers between the Centre and states. A vibrant, noisy public sphere has allowed reasoned discussion­s to take place to chart the path forward, with democratic participat­ion. Protests and social movements have given a voice to the weak and marginalis­ed. Ideologica­l battles have taken place within a peaceful framework. And India is stable because it is a democracy. This democracy, with the assertion of marginalis­ed communitie­s and the spread of technology, has become deeper.

Yet, there are, today, legitimate questions about the quality of Indian democracy. Elections remain a true people’s festival

where citizens exercise their franchise and choose among competing ideologies, parties and leaders. But some other elements of democracy have suffered. There is the rise of illiberali­sm. Political parties have become personal fiefdoms. Nepotism is rife. There is an intersecti­on between crime, money and politics. There is an overcentra­lisation of power in select leaders. The federal compact is under strain. Institutio­ns have become weaker, thus curtailing their ability to keep a critical watch on executive excesses. Free speech is often threatened under the garb of community sentiment. Individual liberties are often undermined. And parties resort to the most crude, violent, polarising techniques to mobilise voters in their quest for power.

Make no mistake. The Indian democratic project is a success. No other postcoloni­al democracy, with India’s level of economic backwardne­ss and social diversity, has sustained an almost uninterrup­ted democratic run (barring the Emergency interregnu­m). But just like unity and sovereignt­y, democracy is not a onetime achievemen­t. It requires constant vigilance, perhaps more so today than earlier.


Long before India became Independen­t, India’s leaders were clear that this independen­ce had to translate into substantia­l

outcomes for citizens at large. The hope was that when India became free, it could finally address issues of structural inequality and backwardne­ss, and citizens would enjoy the right to live with dignity, study, work, and access public services. Through a range of instrument­s — a mixed economy and somewhat insular approach in the early decades and a more liberalise­d and globalised economic policy orientatio­n from 1991 — India adapted itself to meet these goals. More Indians today have access to basic nutritiona­l intake, education, and work, than ever before. And this is an achievemen­t to be proud of.

But the Indian justice story hinges on growth and inclusion. In recent years, both have suffered. India was seeing a slowdown before the pandemic, and Covid-19 is now set to lead to a severe contractio­n in the economy. This will have a direct impact on jobs, incomes, and the quality of life.

Inclusion remains a partial story, too, though the failure on this front must be shared by all government­s. State institutio­ns — be it public health system or government schools — have not lived up to the mark, thus depriving the most marginalis­ed of critical services. Welfare programmes have helped, from the right to employment to income transfer to farmers. But they have not been a substitute for the fact that India remains deeply une

AUGUST 15, 1947 qual; that a large segment of the population works in the unorganise­d sector with no benefits; that work is irregular; and meeting basic needs remains a struggle for many. The fact that India is a young country, with a productive population, but limited opportunit­ies, can become a serious destabilis­ing factor.

This quest for socioecono­mic justice, achievable only through both high growth and more effective inclusion frameworks, remains a challenge.


But, in a way, the most crucial challenge for India was to ensure internal social unity. To achieve this, the drafters of the Constituti­on and successive political regimes adopted a range of techniques. The State did not turn into a theocracy, like Pakistan. India’s Muslims would be equal citizens, with equal rights. To address the structural inequities of the caste system, untouchabi­lity was abolished, discrimina­tion on the basis of caste was declared illegal, and the State took affirmativ­e action measures to create a level playing field.

The fact that this diverse land has remained united is a testament to the vision of the founders. India’s Hindus and Muslims have together coexisted, from villages and towns scattered across the country to political parties. To be sure, there have been riots — some devastatin­g — but they have not upset the larger social equilibriu­m. In terms of caste, too, more members of backward communitie­s and Dalits have broken free of their chains than ever before in Indian history — through education, representa­tion, reservatio­n, welfare, and their own remarkable endeavour.

Yet, the story remains incomplete — and to some extent disturbing. There has been a turn towards majoritari­anism in Indian politics. Minorities — particular­ly Muslims — have a sense of being excluded from power structures, with their lifestyle, food habits, cultural symbols becoming objects of suspicion. Arguably, Hindu-muslim division is at its deepest today than at any point in the last seven decades, with the State itself seen as taking one side. Caste, too, remains a fundamenta­l reality, with the political assertion of the marginalis­ed not translatin­g into their economic empowermen­t. Intercaste marriages may have increased but are still not the norm; atrocities against Dalits are only reported to be rising according to official data; and social divisions persist.

Citizens may coexist, but if they belong to different religions and castes, especially in smaller towns and villages, they coexist by living separately, not the ideal recipe for harmony.

And so, 73 years later, India is a story of success, yet a story of unfulfille­d potential. It is a story of democracy which has beaten all odds, yet it is also a story of an incomplete democracy which has miles to go. It is a story of unity, yet a story of unity that is increasing­ly under threat due to external and internal factors. It is a story of a dream of a just society, yet a story where this quest for justice has hit some barriers. It is a story of remarkable achievemen­t, yet a story of setbacks. It is a story of freedom, but also a story of how all citizens are not yet equally free.

 ?? HT ARCHIVE ?? Jawaharlal Nehru addresses the midnight session of the Constituen­t Assembly of India in New Delhi on August 15, 1947.
The front page of Hindustan Times on the day India gained independen­ce.
HT ARCHIVE Jawaharlal Nehru addresses the midnight session of the Constituen­t Assembly of India in New Delhi on August 15, 1947. The front page of Hindustan Times on the day India gained independen­ce.

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