Hindustan Times (Gurugram)




1 Capital of Tasmania (6) 4 After a long time (2,6) 9 Provoke (6) 10 Aggressive patriotic fervour (8) 12 Fit of petty annoyance (4) 13 Unwieldy (5) 14 Helpful bit of evidence (4) 17 Momentous (5-7) 20 In various places (4,3,5) 23 Requiremen­t (4) 24 Awry (5) 25 Applaud (4) 28 Ignore claims of (4,4) 29 Sphere of control (6) 30 Answer (8) 31 Unstinting­ly (6)


1 Intensify (8) 2 Have reverse of desired effect (8) 3 Solemn observance (4) 5 Impervious to criticism (5-7) 6 Nervously irritable (4) 7 Macabre (6) 8 Large basket with hinged lid (6) 11 Total lack of pity (12) 15 Impudence (5) 16 Oneness (5) 18 Revealing (8) 19 Armaments (8) 21 Concealed marksman (6) 22 Against (6) 26 Game played on horseback (4) 27 Rain heavily (4)

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