Hindustan Times (Lucknow)



LUCKNOW: Parents must never force their children for performanc­e as there were various stages of developmen­t and each one them had a range, said experts at a workshop on parenting and child concerns: ‘The Early Years: Pregnancy and Infancy’ here on Saturday. The workshop was a part of"The Parent Company: Season 1 initiative by My School and the guest speakers were gynaecolog­ist Dr Neelam Vinay, paediatric­ian Dr Shalini Bhasin and Dr Neha Anand, an expert in child psychology. Saral Bhasin, an academic co-ordinator, said a child had growing up age where motor and fine motor skills were the first things to develop. Dr Shalini Bhasin said that parents should be aware about the range their child might take for every stage of developmen­t. “The range or window period refers to a child taking time to achieve a milestone such as sitting, walking or speaking,” she said adding: “Some children might sit in four months and others might take 6 months for the same. But if a child takes too long for achieving such milestones the parents can go to a doctor.” During the session, parents asked questions regarding growth in children that were answered by the panel of experts.

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