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Ayurvedic remedies to burn belly fat and shed extra kilos


According to Ayurveda, belly fat is the result of an increase in kapha dosha. If your lifestyle is devoid of exercise and you consume unhealthy diet, then it could lead to increase in belly fat. Eating fatty foods, sweets and desserts can also increase kapha in the body.

So, how does one deal with it as per ayurveda? There are certain foods that are recommende­d to get the desired results.

Fenugreek seeds: It has galactoman­na, a watersolub­le component which helps curb craving and keep you satiated. It also helps increase metabolic rate of the body. Just roast some methi seeds and crush them to make a fine powder. Have this with some water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can even soak some overnight and chew on them in the morning on an empty stomach.

Guggul: It has a plant sterol, guggulster­one, which promotes weight loss. It is also a natural cholestero­l-lowering herb.

Vijaysar: This deciduous tree’s bark is used in ayurveda to manage diabetes and obesity. It also has fat reducing properties. The bark can also help you get a healthy digestive system. You can add vijaysar to your herbal tea.

Triphala: It helps eliminate toxins and improve digestion. It is a preparatio­n made from dried amla, haritaki and bibhitaki. This powder is usually taken with hot water, at least two hours after dinner and half an hour before breakfast.

Punarnava: It has diuretic properties that keep the kidney and urinary bladder functionin­g well. It also helps reduce water retention, which can further help shed kilos.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps improve body’s metabolism. This means that it can effectivel­y help cut belly fat. Drink a cup of cinnamon tea first thing in the morning to see results.

 ?? PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? Drinking cinnamon tea in the morning can speed up the process of weight loss
PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK Drinking cinnamon tea in the morning can speed up the process of weight loss

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