India Today

Hindu Eugenics

- @ShougatDas­gupta

Fake news has become the rallying cry of the Right, eager to discredit the media it whines is leftwing, a characteri­sation that is both paranoid and demonstrab­ly untrue. A hilarious report last week in various newspapers about the absurd advice given to prospectiv­e parents by the Arogya Bharati, a group “inspired by the RSS” (by the RSS’s own admission in a 2015 post on its Facebook page), is being pooh-poohed by some on the basis that there are no official links between the two groups. Maybe. But there is considerab­le overlap, in personnel and ideas. And when you seek attention by claiming you know the secret to creating a generation of tall, fair super babies in the womb and flaunting your ideology, you should perhaps not be surprised when people point and laugh. Hindutvawa­dis have a penchant for dubious science, some of it harmlessly chauvinist­ic and some of it with dangerous and ugly provenance. Crying foul over ‘fake news’ doesn’t change that fact.

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