India Today

Hurt Sentiments I


Many Indians are known for being touchy on social media, quick to respond to any perceived slight. So when a dim CNN anchor appeared to assume that the latest winner of the American national spelling bee, a winner of Indian origin, of course, like 17 of the last 21, was “probably used to using” Sanskrit, there was a collective howl of indignatio­n. That’s racist, tweeted scores of the easily offended. The anchor was joking, ham-fistedly, about the Sanskrit roots of the Trump coinage ‘covfefe’ when she made her incoherent remarks to the 12-year-old champion. Did the anchor think the little California­n girl’s parents speak Sanskrit at home? Was she referring to the ‘word origin’ question that bee contestant­s ask to help them spell obscure words? And why do we care so much? Sometimes clumsiness is just clumsiness.

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