India Today


DR SONICA KRISHAN 45, Ayurveda consultant & holistic healthcare expert, Herboveda, Chandigarh


Natural Choice Dr Krishan feels that natural therapies for enhancing beauty are much sought after by all age groups.

Complete Overhaul There is an array of Ayurvedic therapies sans

side-effects that can work well. “Herbal massages and detoxifyin­g therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga and Panchakarm­a help cleanse the body inside out and remove ama (toxic matter) build up,” says Dr Krishan.

Perfect Antidote Dr Krishan says that skin problems such as rough and scaly skin, acne, wrinkles and blemishes, hair fall, premature ageing and weight gain are quite common. The doctor adds that ayurveda works on improving the quality of one's skin and health by taking care of one's innate mind-body constituti­on.

Stay Fit She believes in following a natural lifestyle, while taking to herbal healthcare options for her skin and hair, and sleeping at least 7 to 8 hours a day.

Every woman should accept her skin tone

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