Outdoor Asia

Gplus strikes a chord with Guwahati


GUZDKDWL UHFHQWOY ZLWQHVVHG DQ HXWHQVLYH RUWGRRU FDPSDLJQ RQ WKH ODUQFK RI WKH FLWY’V fiUVW (QJOLVK ZHHNOY WDEORLG called Gplus. The brand has used almost all the large out-of-home media formats available in the city including KRDUGLQJV, NLRVNV, WUDIfiF VLJQDO FRQVROHV, EUV VKHOWHUV, pedal-ads(mobile), lookwalker­s, ambient media, mall IDçDGH, WUDIfiF SRLQWV, VLJQDJHV DQG VUFK. (XHFUWHG EY Outreach Advertisin­g Private Ltd, this city-based product covered the whole of Guwahati, grabbing the attention RI WKH WDUJHW VHJPHQW WKURUJK WHDVHUV DQG fiQDOOY revealing it through an interestin­g creative adapted for the campaign. “We have taken a total 30 sites covering over 200 facias for a period of three months in almost all the junctions and touch points to create a very high impact. Outdoor format has been the best choice regarding Gplus giving value for the client’s investment,” shares Sunit Jain, Associate Director, Outreach. The USP of this publicatio­n lies in its exclusive detailing about the happenings of Guwahati. Koushik Hazarika, Editor of Gplus says in this regard, “Gplus is an English weekly launched only for the people of Guwahati, and will be circulated within the city. The outdoor campaigns have helped us feel the pulse of the city, the aspiration­s of the people, as today Guwahati is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Outdoor has helped us in maximizing the visibility for this new product which is solely for this city covering various intricate details about the place. So far the impact has been great making Gplus the talk of the town through “I love Guwahati” teasers and there was an instant connection when we revealed it to the people of the city.”

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