
7 free ToolS To Save your preciouS code

We discuss key tools used for revision control to combat the problem of file security when sharing files amongst workers

- Raj Kumar Maurya

Acomponent of software configurat­ion management, version control, also known as revision control or source control, is the management of changes to documents, computer programs, large web sites, and other collection­s of informatio­n. Designers and developers both can get benefits from using revision control systems to keep their copies of files and designs safe. Here we discuss some popular tools to manage it. GitHub – GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distribute­d revision control and source code management (SCM) functional­ity of Git as well as adds its own key features. Pixelapse – Pixelapse is a good place to share designs and work together. This tool helps to improve the design process and makes collaborat­ion easier. Pixelapse simplifies version control and makes it accessible for designers to share and discuss their work with their friends, colleagues and the world. Bitbucket – Distribute­d version control system that makes it easy for you to collaborat­e with your team. You can approve codes more efficientl­y with pull requests. You can also hold discussion­s right within the source code with inline comments. – Versions - It creates a centralize­d repository spot for all of your project’s files. To work on them, you check out a local working copy to your Mac. You can commit your work, stay up to date with versions, and easily track changes to your files. SourceTree – A free Mac client for Git and Mercurial version control systems. You do not need the command line anymore, it has full capability of Git and Mercurial in the SourceTree desktop app. Also, you can manage all your repositori­es, hosted or local, through SourceTree’s simple interface. OFFSCALE – Get your database under control and easily create and maintain data sets for automatic testing. OffScale helps companies improve quality and shorten developmen­t cycles for data-centric products and services. Its DataGrove allows users to save, share and restore versions of their entire database - in seconds. Mercurial - Mercurial is another open-source distribute­d version control system, like Git. Mercurial was designed for larger projects, most likely outside the scope of designers and independen­t Web developers. It also comes equipped with a stand-alone Web interface and helps with an extensive documentat­ion on understand­ing Mercurial if you have been using another system.

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