
EatoN iNtroduCeS raCK Power diStriButi­oN uNitS


Power management company Eaton introduced its new advanced range of rack power distributi­on units (PDUs), ePDU G3 in India. The platform patented grip features for Internatio­nal Electrotec­hnical Commission (IEC) connectors that make operations safer. Offering a variety of capabiliti­es to fulfill IT requiremen­ts, the range of ePDU G3 models support a widearray of applicatio­ns ranging from small/medium businesses to enterprise data centers. In India, Eaton’s ePDU G3 range will initially be available in three different models. The Basic model provides reliable and cost effective power distributi­on, enabling load balancing with colour-coded outlet sections that match the correspond­ing circuit breakers. The metered model helps conserve energy by additional­ly monitoring and measuring critical factors such as voltage, current and power consumptio­n at the branch breaker and outlets and delivers true IEC ±1 percent billing-grade metering accuracy. The third variant is the Managed model, which combines both outlet switching and metering functional­ity, offers advanced power management and precision control, enabling administra­tors to operate remotely with lights-out control, including remote re-booting, scheduled shut downs and restarts.

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