
Artificial Intelligen­ce to Shape the Future of Brand Communicat­ions

Instead of fearing AI, communicat­ions firms should embrace the trend and adopt more of Big Data analytics

- Ashu Kajekar, CEO at 7EDGE

We all know that Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) making significan­t contributi­ons towards enhancing the quality of customer relationsh­ip management (CRM) among large organizati­ons. But how about AI in brand communicat­ions? Well, it is a fact that AI is all-pervasive and will greatly shape the future of brand communicat­ions, particular­ly among organizati­ons that are automating many of their auxiliary functions and services.

Businesses and AI

Let’s first understand how relevant AI is for businesses today. AI is an umbrella term that refers to the simulation of human intelligen­ce processes by machines, especially computers. These processes could be learning (acquisitio­n of informatio­n and rules for using the informatio­n), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximat­e or definite conclusion­s), and self-correction. In addition, there is machine learning, which provides computers with the ability to learn without being

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